May 19, 2024


[Please circulate, read (especially last paragraph), and act]

Some of you wondered why you have not heard from us in 11 days. Others signed our email lists and have not heard from us. Jessie and I have been simply overwhelmed with events (2 to 5 events daily plus travel around this southern hemisphere continent). This morning only we had time off (due to an unexpected cancellation) to catch up, enter emails, and write you this note thanks and brief reflection. In our one-month tour of Australia, over 15,000 people heard our message of environmental justice and human rights and our tour of Aotearoa (New Zealand) is just beginning and already had 10 events over the past two days. We and our old and new friends were inspired over the past month from these events:

-Several university encampments where we are inspired by students and faculty who demand their universities disclose any ties to genocide and divest and call for boycotts like we did with South Africa under apartheid. For more on encampments, see and here 
-Several rallies like the one in Gadi (aka Sydney) with 10,000 people
-Dozens of lectures at public events like the two events booked solid (300 and 100 people) at the Australian National University (ANU) to many others around the two countries in this continent
-Consultative and welcoming gatherings of activists and aboriginal leadership planning meetings. Here in Aotearoa (aka New Zealand), the Maoris were equally welcoming and inspiring.
-Conferences and conventions like the one of Australia Palestine Action Network and the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
-Many churches and seminaries of various denominations. As a Palestinian Christian, the message resonated of the need for christian communities to take a stand in line with what we Christian communities in the Holy Land have called for which is taking a moral and ethical stand in line with tenets of the faith (see and )
-Other religious and secular community gatherings sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. I was especially inspired with the dedication of muslim communities from various backgrounds and the Arab communities (Chrisristan, Muslim, others). Their hospitality and kindness helped me feel at home and mitigated my feelings of "homesickness"
-Meeting with parliamentarians. Even during my brief visits over two days, I noted Zionist lobbyists who were not happy to see a Palestinian with a Kufiya in the parliament building. Outside activists organized a rally in front of the parliament building in commemoration of the ongoing Nakba. One MP from the labor party broke rank with her ruling party to say the truth (that it is a genocide and needs to stop). Other MPs show promise.
-Talks at high schools (the kids are amazing)
-Meeting with Rotarian Clubs (I am president of Rotary Club Bethlehem) to tell them of our humanitarian work and look for joint efforts
-Meetings and talks at Botanic Gardens, seed banks, museums and other institutions doing similar work to ours (see
-Media appearances (Social, TV, radio, newspapers, websites): Examples (St Mary’s Church/Anglican Cathedral Parnell)

We had positive vibes in every one of these engagements and also grew ourselves with knowledge, new friends (thousands), and energy (spiritual and mental and physical- good food for heart, spirit and even stomach) and we thank all hosts and organizers for exceptional arrangements. We really feel the world changing but we must work hardeer to stop the genocide and decolonize globally. For me and Jessie, onward to more cities and then back to our beloved Palestine which we miss so much and then resume our volunteer and humanitarian work there. To support our collective work in Palestine (which has global reach), PLEASE
1) See and act on our call for partnership
2) Volunteer (remotely or on site)
3) Donate 

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages


  1. Awesome message/actions. I will take a month to read it all. thank you both and carry on!

  2. Welcome to Aotearoa! I visited the University of Bethlehem in 2019 and was inspired by the work you and your colleagues are doing. I do hope your tour goes well, informing many of the Palestinian crisis and ongoing genocide in your land.
