I watched part of a movie called “Inglorious bastards” which was
supposed to be about an American unit of Jewish soldiers formed in WWII to kill
Nazis (I think this is fictional); its commander wanted each member to collect
100 scalps of killed Nazis. I turned it off when it actually got that bloody/
gruesom (the “Bear Jew” soldier uses a bat to smash the skull of a German
officer!). A settler in Hebron used a bat once to smash the skull of a Palestinian Child and the killer is free. I do not like war movies anyway (wars are rackets and profit elites
on both sides). I could not sleep thinking about this kind of violence. The shooting in the back even
of unarmed protesters in Gaza or even unarmed civilians like children (John
Pilger called it like shooting sitting ducks in a barrel) and so many others.
It has always
bothered me as to why so many Jews got brainwashed by Zionism to become so hateful
and so self-focused that they do not even care that millions of us Palestinians
are suffering: >100,000 killed, >800,000 injured, >7.5 million refugees
and displaced people by a methodical process of ethnic cleansing to create a
racist “Jewish state” that does not help Jews. Only by thinking of parallels
and other scenarions (like South Africa under apartheid, the institution of
slavery, and such) that I start to understand mentality of privileged/oppressers/colonialists.
But I really need to also guard my heart and mind from notions of vengance and
hate. I thought again about that movie and what prompts someone to make such
horrible (really horror) movies glorifying murder/killing fellow human beings.
I could not sleep thinking how horrible it would be for someone in the future made
a similar film about say killing all Zionists! Ofcourse both the Nazi and
Zionist regimes did (and in the case of the Z’s still do) horrible things. As
did the British, French, & the US regimes (Hiroshima, Nagazaki, Dresden, Vietnam,
Korea, Camobodia, South America etc). But we must really be very careful and
such movie would be a horrible ideas in any of those cases. I will quote the
poetry of my friend Ahlamn Shalhout: “I dream of a new earth in which the
abused never become the abuser and the deceived never become the deceiver… May
all broken hearts and wings be mended. May all the hearts beat as one. May all
the dreams come true at the expense of none” Or as the late Faisal Hussaini had
said: “Lord [we beseech you] to make the bloods that were shed [so far over
100,000 Palestinians, few thousand Israelis] become a light that shows us the
way and not fuel for hatred and revenge”.

Every day we see so
many sad things…. But we also see so many great things: humans standing up for
injustice, challenging tyranny, planting seeds (literally and
figuratively). Just in our own small sphere, we had great activities this week. We had workshops on biodiversity that attracted 70 people Tuesday and Wednesday.

talked about action for preserving nature and humans around Al-Makhrour valley (project
funded by Darwin and National Geographic including benefit to 80 farmers in
Walaja, Battir, Husan, and Beit Jala. We also had several meetings for starting an EU funded project for enhancing human diversity and biodiversity in our region. We had great visitors to our institute.
We trained young people in doing studies of the environment. We ate food from
our garden and much more. Keep the hope alive but act. For example let us all
target these 112 companies working in (profiting from) occupied Palestinian lands- The
UN Published the list and you can see it here: