Jun 23, 2019

Dead Horse

The cart before a dead horse

This is a letter I address publicly to Mahmoud Abbas and all Palestinian (and other) people

A while back I was invited to a meeting of Palestinian business and political leaders. One of the prominent speakers was a prominent member of the revolutionary council of Fatah. Wikepedia said he was accused of corruption repeatedly. The meeting was to address the financially precarious situation of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah and ways to respond to the Bahrain conference. I heard much “political” posturing and useless talk including an interesting note that the politician said that the authority “cannot” prevent people from going to Bahrain (because then it could be said that the people did not attend because of pressure”. I commented: If our objection to the Bahrain conference is that it is trying to subvert Palestinian legitimate rights of return to their homes and lands and self-determination via “bribes” of economic improvement, then this is precisely what the Oslo agreements were about. If we disagree with that approach, then we should start by removing all the agreements of Oslo and its appendages like the Paris economic agreement that gave Israel responsibility to continue its economic profiting from the occupation. Someone asked what is your solution? I said go back to be a real Palestine Liberation Organization: Palestine is all of Palestine not 22% of it, Liberation is self-explanatory and it is for all 13.5 million of us Palestinians, and organization means more than one person we “pledge loyalties” to. The well-dressed politician came after the meeting to chastise me before he got into his fancy black Mercedes (which was left running all the time) with his body guards. Many of those attending came to tell me that they supported what I said (I told them they should have spoken out in public). Many are genuinely afraid but it is now an existential issue and we cannot remain silent. I told them more people are speaking out. The social media is a very strong tool in our hands.

The Bahrain conference concocted by racist Zionists Kushner/Greenblatt/Freedman uses exactly the same language as encoded in Oslo. You can compare for example the economic texts of Oslo II agreement signed in Paris (available here https://www.paltrade.org/upload/agreements/Paris%20Economic%20Protocol.pdf ) with the text of the Bahrain “Peace to prosperity” working documents (available here https://www.whitehouse.gov/peacetoprosperity/ ).

To be blunt: those who signed on to Oslo I and II and still follow them are no more or less than those who sign on to Bahrain I (yes, there will be Bahrain II). In public speeches they claimed it is somehow a different thing and now putting the cart (economy under occupation) in front of the horse (political solution of two states). Sorry, the cart had run over the horse and killed it back in 1993 (some say the beginnings was in 1974 and 1988). So it is time to get a new horse proverbial horse (A PLO reclaiming its charter of a secular democratic state), remove the trash that was accumulated in the cart and get a new beginning. It is thus not enough for us to protest things. It is time to take our own initiatives. It is time for a new PLO that reflects the will of the people and can then harness their amazing power. If anyone wants to know about the amazing power of the Palestinian people to get new horses, please read my book “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A history of Hope and Empowerment.” In it I explain for example how the uprising of 1936 forced dissolutions of many factions, reshaped others, and created new ones. We must learn from our history the right lessons. The best lesson to learn is that it is never too late to admit mistakes and go back to the people. I do have real faith in the people. The self-declared leaders know in the deep recess of their calcified hearts these facts and know that risking positions and money is nothing compared to the certainty that if they stay the course, the end will be clear. We all die. The question is how do you want to be remembered? You have two models 1) Collaboration/selfishness: e.g. Marshal Philippe Pétain (head of the French Vichy regime 1940-1942) and Nguyễn Văn Thiệu (corrupt US puppet president of South Vietnam 1967-1975), or 2) enlightened leadership like Omar Al-Mukhtar and Che Guevera? The choice is yours/ours.

I Murder 200,000+ People… Every Day


  1. Hello Mazin,
    Looks like universal disengagement from Bahrain. Your words must have had an influence. JRK

  2. Mazin.....my wise friend and more wisdom along the path to revolutionary thinking for you and your people. Facebook knocked me off 18 months ago for my agitation for Palestinian freedom from the Zionist thievery and relentless oppression. You are a continuing beacon.

    1. I wonder what was said for an 18 month boot? I was booted twice for saying what the Israhellies are doing.
      The Genociders must go.
      Thank you Mazin,
      Billings, Montana

  3. Thank you for your ideas and ideals. Civil society has a lot of power- an example being the success of the wonderful programs at Bethlehem University. All over the world, more and more people are realizing that the role of the state needs to be limited to making laws - laws that support human and environmental rights. Fair Trade and Community Supported Agriculture demonstrate that trade can be beneficial for all. We need to get away from twisted economic ideas. For example, why do we accept that the bottom line for corporations is limited to share holder profits? Or that all human beings cannot be served unless business is competitive and ever growing? Let us explore the potential of co-operation and sustainability. As to culture and religion - there are numerous examples of people of different cultures and faiths coexisting to their mutual benefit. There are positive alternatives to the craziness! People do have to be willing to listen - to their inner voice and to each other!

  4. Uprising in 1936???
    There was no Jewish state then.
    I guess the violence by Arabs is part of their incapability of living in peace with their neighbors.

  5. To Eliot Coe. It was the Political Zionist movement that was "incapable of living in peace with its neighbors," and the Labor Zionist movement was most effective of all in the economic strangulation process aimed at the Palestinian Arab people, so that Palestine would, indeed, become "a land without people for a people without land." Labor Zionism attempted, but did not achieve, this goal through a campaign for the boycott by Jews of all Palestinian products, and a demand by the early Histadrut that Jewish orange growers along the coast fire Palestinian workers and hire Jewish ones in their place. Meanwhile, throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Keren Kayamet was purchasing land from Palestinian owners who were either absentee title-holders, or who were designated as being owners by British officials or Jewish Agency personnel, under land ownership records compiled under the Ottoman Land Code of 1869. (Many of those registering under this Land Code were not owners at all, but village Mukhtars, heads of villages where the fellahin shared usufrucht, water, and grazing rights, but where nobody held a formal, Western-style title to the land. Once Keren Kayamet had bought the land, these Fellahin found themselves facing eviction, often under British guns. This situation created the first crop of Palestinian evictees, who launched the first Intifadah against both the British Mandate and Zionist colonization in 1936.

  6. You will internalize the concepts in "God Made Men Too"
    A "Secular Democratic State" is a valid goal, imperiled by the rhetoric of 'right to return'.

  7. The hard shell of Israeli intransigence is fear of a return of the holocaust, the source of their self righteous indignation.
    The soft underbelly of Israeli cooperation is Jewish guilt over displacement of Palestinians.

  8. Israel cannot handle Gandhi very well. But if you stir their fear with stones or rockets or burning tires or waving flags, they will self righteously kill you.

  9. Zionism is racism not a psycho-medical condition related to the Jewish holocaust. Zionists did lots of atrocities long before that including ethnic cleansing starting 1880. its cause is greed like all colonial racists

  10. Mazin, thank you for having written this letter and published it. You have said what needed to be said. I have often written in the past that PLO needed to dissolve the PA, renounce the Oslo agreements, stop being the “security” guard and tax collector of Israel, cut off all relations with it and become once more the revolutionary force that it once was.
    As for the West Bank under PA, I have again and again referred to it as Vichy of Palestine and Abbas as the present day Petain.
    I have often been told that it is easy for me to say all this with the security I enjoy in USA but it is the Palestinians who will have to suffer the consequences of the actions I propose.
    Heartening to know that Palestinian voices, led by you, are beginning to believe that it is the right thing to do.
    Gulamhusein A. Abba

  11. Mazin in self righteously indignant because the Israelis did invade Palestine in 1948. And have expanded their occupation at the expense of Palestinians. But reality requires a realistic path to resolution of Palestinian misery. "A democratic secular state" will not likely come about by Palestinian threats to the security of Jews living under the protection of the Israeli state, but by democratic change initiated by those same Jews feeling guilt at their mistreatment of their neighbors.

  12. Behave in a way that causes Israelis to feel guilty about their greed rather than feel self righteous about their safety. Outsmart them; you certainly won't outgun them.

  13. thanks, Mazin. To John R. Rykers: The path to one secular democratic state with equal rights for all is thru BDS, which could be highly successful IF the U .S. stopped opposing it so vigorously. It worked in South Africa. Florence Steichen.

  14. Seems like Dr Rykers is a troll ~ a Jew who 'feels for the Palestinian' but wants the thieving miscreants to have their cake and eat it too. "Lay down and they'll lift you up mentality" ~ Gaaaag

  15. posted to FB ~
    Thank you Dr Qumsiyeh.

  16. Mazin,
    Keep the faith. Although many oppose kindness and justice, it is fundamental to human evolution (biologically and religiously) and it will win the day. "The arc of history is long, but it bends toward...."


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