Now the numbers killed in the indiscriminate slaughter in Gaza exceeded 40,000 registered deaths (72% of them women and children). But the number of deaths could be many folds more (at least ten thousand under the rubble, many thousands died for lack of food or medical care etc). But globally the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. How do they do it and how do we stop it. First simple facts:
-The reasons we have high incidence of hurricanes, floods, and other catastrophe is man made climate change-The reason we are not doing much about climate change is that there are greedy individuals who profit from the trends
-There are no just wars. There are understandable and justified resistance of native people to colonialism
-The uncontrollable fascist Western-created “Jewish state” is beginning to be an irritant to Western Powers who invested hundreds of billions in this pet project of imperialism. Hence, they try to save it from itself and from furthering the genocide that is embarrassing them and exposing western hypocrisy. Hence they are meeting in Qatar. Such efforts are driven more by failures: failure of the 5th strongest army in the world (supported by the US and the UK and France) to defeat a guerrilla force in the besieged and occupied Gaza strip; failure to create a deep Shia-Sunni divide; failure to mobilize the word against Islam; failure to contain the truth of what is happening on the ground; failure to bully their way.. etc.
-Western creations like ISIS/Daesh are now exposed for their agendas and are in retreat in the face of pushback by people of all faiths (Sunni Kurdish, Shia, Christian etc).
- Countries like North Korea, Russia, China, Venezuela and Iran watched what the US did in places like Libya, Syria and Iraq. They watched as western powers did economic sabotage and caused havoc around the world (from blowing up Nord Stream Pipeline to economic strangulation). Instead of successfully bankrupting Russia and China, the US/Israel policies are bankrupting their own states. -Israel is not an asset to the US or to any other country but a liability to the whole world. Zionism is not nationalism, it is a worldwide movement in which Israel is only one of its bases. A world Zionist network created Israel and supports it at the cost of millions of native Arab rights. It is a movement based on manipulation, wars, destruction and genocide GLOBALLY.
-We have wars to distract us from the inequalities and injustices and to make money for a few already very rich people. Zionist Jews dominate these elites (Mirriam Adelson just donated $100 million to the trump campaign and >50% of donations to the Democratic party come from Zionists).
-An axis of resistance against US and Zionist imperialism does exist and does have the support of most of the people globally (e.g. see growth of BDS movement and public surveys and see what countries like Yemen and Lebanon are doing to stem aggression and genocide)
-An axis of collaboration, lies, deceit, and murder does exist and has the support of most of the regimes in the Arab world (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Egypt, Morocco) as well as regimes in Western countries (US, Britain, Australia, France)
-Demography has shifted around the world and thus most regimes move to assert more government controls and less democracy. Laws are enacted to silence any critics. The best tool for governments is to use perceived threats (previously communism, now immigrants, Islam and terrorism). False flag operations have thus gone dramatically up.
-For people to act is no longer a luxury but an existential need to protect our species. The last two decades showed that the schemes of the rich and powerful can delay freedom and damage sustainability. Yet, we the people can and do succeed. People do make a difference. If you think on all positive things in human history, they all happened by people acting positively and challenging status quo or rising up to help those in need. The most important development is that citizens in the West now know the truths including the truth that their systems are managed by moneyed interests and distractions and thus they have no democratic say in government (selecting "lesser of two evils" to give the delusion of "democracy" and "voting").
Apathy is an enemy of progress, action works. We are hopeful because as Howard Zinn once wrote (and I quoted it in my book “
Sharing the Land of Canaan” in 2004):
“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”