Sep 28, 2020
Stati Uniti finiranno come impero
Sep 27, 2020
End of empire
Sep 21, 2020
بين المهازل والأعمال
Sep 16, 2020
Old enough
I am old enough to have been able to see Palestine slowly strangulated over the past few decades, with us natives who trace ancestry thousands of years here kicked out or squeezed into cantons/open air prisons like Gaza and Bethlehem. Old enough to have researched events even before I was born and wrote books about them (like Sykes-Picot, Balfour-Cambon, Gawler, Hertzle and more). I am old enough to have personally witnessed Arab leaders’ corruption and treachery. I am old enough to personally witness rampant racism from white European Jews who think they are entitled to steal our land because they belong to the Jewish “people” (actually Judaism like Christianity is a religion for many people of diverse backgrounds). I am old enough to have worked with hundreds of decent Jews and tens of thousands of decent Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Atheists, etc towards peace and justice. I am old enough that when dates are chosen for treasonous signings like yesterday at the White House (now the name fits because it emphasized white rule), I can immediately link why 15 September (squarely in the middle of anniversaries of the Sabra and Shatila massacres and of the signing of the sell-out Oslo Accords). I am old enough to reminisce over a good life I lived in the US (despite racism and discrimination there also) and how I gave all of that up to return to Palestine under the thumb f the Zionists. From one Israeli occupied territory to another and back!. I am old enough to have patience for the things I can’t change, courage to change those I can (e.g. via our work in agriculture and the environment and influencing especially youth), and wisdom to know the difference. My 88-year-old mother (whose Birth Certificate in PALESTINE predates this Jewish state) tells me the world will continue to change in good and bad ways (yes she remembers her friend Haya Balbisi who was massacred in Deir Yassin by Zionists who became “leaders”). Her calm wrinkled face emphasizes to me that peace is not a destination… peace is the way. I am grateful that my family and I and millions of others of many generations remain true to our conscience and care for fellow human beings, resist tyranny and injustice, and do not join the ranks of the hypocrite dictators and “deal makers” of our world. Seeing so many good people do the right thing is itself a marvelous victory.
Reflections are still important. Is it alright for 7.5 million Palestinians to remain refugees even as dictators are propped and war criminals called “peace” makers? Why do more than half the American public think Trump is pathological liar but then do not challenge his lies about the apartheid state of Israel? Lies like making peace between countries (who have never been at war and have ALWAYS been in the same camp fighting rights of people to self determination in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Egypt and more). Lies like Israel wants peace when Zionist elites are profiting to the tune of $15 billion/year from endless colonial occupation (see Shir Hever’s books and writings on the economy of the occupation). Lies like the Palestinians are not willing to compromise or accept peace gestures when our leadership accepted “Israel” on 78% of Palestine and was willing to settle for a rump demilitarized state on 22% of the land. (and why is international law and countless UN resolutions considered irrelevant). Lies like the “Jewish state” is democratic when they actually have dozens of laws that discriminate against non-Jews even in the areas within the green line (see and hundreds of other racist discriminatory laws against us Palestinians living in the occupied areas beyond the green line ). Lies like the US was giving lots of money for the Palestinians who then treated the US with disrespect (US funding around the world is done in advancing US government interests including in this case helping Israel control the occupied areas). Lies like equating resistance to colonialism with “terrorism” or “anti-semitism” (or if Jewish “self-hatred”!!) and listing essentially all groups fighting for self-determination and freedom in the Arab world and beyond as terrorists. Or engaging in economic warfare against countries like Venezuela and Iran simply for supporting right of self-determination.
The only truth spoken by Trump was in an unscripted moment (a lapse of judgement on his part) when he stated that the US is in the Middle East not for oil but to help Israel (that comment was totally ignored in Zionist controlled CNN, FoxNews etc)! Indeed that is why the US government gave them hundreds of billions, why most of the effort of state department is directed at promoting Zionist economic and political hegemony around the world (e.g. extorting Sudan now telling them that they would be removed from states “sponsoring terrorism” only if they normalize with Israel). Why are taxpayer money being siphoned off to benefit a state that deliberately attacked a US ship in International water (see ).
It is surreal to watch Jewish Zionist advocate Wolf Blitzer interview Jewish Zionist advocate Jared Kushner. It is surreal to see US media ignore the demonstrations outside the White House during the premature “celebration” of victory over the Palestinians (many of the demonstrators were Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews). It is surreal to see the boozing womanizers from Bahrain and UAE smirk like morons as Netanyahu and Trump say openly that Jerusalem can be visited by Muslims (under Israel’s illegal occupation for perpetuity) when they know that millions of native Palestinian Muslims and Christians cannot visit their holy places in Jerusalem. Surreal that Netanyahu openly says that Israel power is so far out-reaching that it got them to this stage and will get them much more. How many Arab states will be pillaged and impoverished now beyond the UAE and Bahrain? (Trump says 5-6 more soon). And will the fate of these new Israeli human puppets be any different than those that preceded them working for Israel (killed, dead, living in shame now in Lebanon or elsewhere, forgotten)? The surreal situation was foreseen by many of us who wrote and educated about these things for decades. It is not satisfying and rather sad that we predicted these scenes decades earlier (for example when the so called “Oslo accords” were signed that allowed the PLO to recognize Israel but Israel did not recognize Palestine). Well now the lines are drawn. I again ask: Is it alright for 7.5 million Palestinians to remain refugees even as dictators are propped and war criminals called “peace” makers? Why can’t we get all 6 million Jews who live here plus the 13 million Palestinians to simply vote on what form of governance they want? You can join the side of murdering dictators and war criminals (monarchs of the Gulf + Netanyahu + Trump) who are waging war on humanity, self-determination, and justice or you find your alternative by WORKING for humanity, self-determination and justice. We must stand with the oppressed people of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Egypt, Palestine and elsewhere. Millions are standing with us against these tyrants. History will judge. The arc of the moral universe may be long but it bends towards justice. La Luta Continua.
Sep 11, 2020
George Orwell said “in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” So let us all tell the truth:
-The Western governments have never really cared about human rights or democracy. They propped dictators, toppled democratically elected governments (like in Iran in 1953 and Chile in 1970), and engagedin policies that killed many millions of innocent people. They support murdering genocidal pyromaniacs like the rulers of the “UAE” and “Saudi Arabia” and ”Israel”. They label as terrorists any genuine resistance movements (in fact how vicious the attacks from racists are on a country or a people tells us precisely how honorable those being attacked are!).
-Palestine is just a physical base for Zionism to conquer the Arab world and much beyond. The Zionists actually speak openly of how we will be their servants and they our masters. All the data is there for people to study and investigate. And as time went by, they made it impossible to criticize Zionism or Israel and even increasingly “illegal” to do so. Again, it is an assault on free speech and democracy in countries such as Germany, France and the UK that claims the mantle of human rights.
-Colonial-Native struggles end in one of three scenarios: a) Algerian model (nearly 2 million killed, 1 million colonizers and their descendents left the country), b) genocide of natives (USA, Australia), c) coexistence in one country of descendents of colonizers and of native people (the rest of the world >140 countries). There is no fourth scenario. Palestine will not be an exception. It is the last struggle and prolonged only because of the resourcefulness and wealth of Zionists and the weakness of their adversaries with collusion of corrupt dictators. But Zionists and all those collusionists’ regimes need to decide on which of the three outcomes they want. Prolonging it is not helpful to them. The number of Palestinains today is 13 million (12 times what we were in 1917 when the Balfour and Cambon declarations were made in support of Zionism). Impoverished natives reproduce more than economically empowered minorities and the world will eventually democratize or die.
-Those who engaged in exploitation and destruction in the past century (Belgium in the Congo, British in Afriua and Asia, US in Cambodia and Vietnam etc.) largely got away with it because the world was fragmented. Now, the world is far too crowded and us far too connected such taht military might no longer can be used effectively to dictate things without repercussions. Hence the last attempts at this were failures (US in Iraq, Israel in Gaza and Lebanon, US client states attack on Syria and Yemen). This gives hope.
-The so-called Arab league since Jamal AbdelNasser died in 1970 (perhaps assassinated) serves as a tool for US/Israeli of oppression and imperialism. The gulf monarchies in particular used to tremble at the speeches of AbdelNasser. Now they even get away with murdering and dismembering an opposition journalist in their own embassy in Turkey. They get away with committing genocide in Yemen and occupying it to give Israel bases in the Island of Socotra. They get away with funding Israeli apartheid and destruction of their own religious heritage. They impoverish their people, and are happy to give hundreds of billions of dollars to enrich coffers of imperialists and Zionists as long as those allow them to keep oppressing people.
-The fault is not merely in our “leaders” who put short term financial profit ahead of people and planetary survival. That would be easy to remedy if it was. The fault is in us for keeping these “leaders” in power. Clapping for them, facilitating their dominion over us, playing along with their games of divide and conquer (fear mongering) and overall abandoning our own dignity. We must believe in ourselves and our people (something elite politicians do not want us to do). That is how we get rid of colonialism (including Zionism), pandemics, the environmental nakba (catastrophe) and the risk of nuclear war.
-Yet, the growth of the BDS movement and of people’s support for Palestinian human rights miraculously continues to grow. If I look at the number of attendees to webinars I am invited to speak to (2-3/week) and growth of networks and actions, the conclusion is inevitable: Palestine cannot and will not be liquidated. The question is where each of us stands: the side of Biden, Trump, Netanyahu and ilk, or the side of native people. If we were to tackle climate change, threats of nuclear war, global pandemics, and much more, we should reconnect to native people and empower them. Being on the wrong side here is existential.
قال جورج أورويل "في زمن الخداع العالمي ، قول الحقيقة هو عمل
ثوري". لذلك دعونا جميعًا نقول الحقيقة:
- لم تهتم الحكومات الغربية أبدًا بحقوق الإنسان أو الديمقراطية. بل دعموا
الديكتاتوريين وأسقطوا الحكومات المنتخبة ديمقراطياً (كما في إيران عام 1953 وتشيلي
عام 1970) ، وانخرطوا في سياسات قتلت ملايين الأبرياء. إنهم يؤيدون أنظمة الإبادة الجماعية
مثل حكام "الإمارات" و "السعودية" و "إسرائيل" ويصفون
أي حركات مقاومة حقيقية بالإرهابيين (في الواقع مدى شراسة الهجمات على بلد ما أوشخص
ما من قبلهم (وأبواقهم مثل قناة العربية) يخبرنا على وجه التحديد بمدى شرف من يتعرضون
- فلسطين هي مجرد قاعدة للصهيونية لغزو العالم العربي وما أبعد. يتحدث
الصهاينة في الواقع بصراحة عن الكيفية التي سنكون بها خدامهم وهم أسيادنا. جميع البيانات
متوفرة للناس للدراسة والتحقيق. وبمرور الوقت وتخاذ الكثيرين جعلوا من المستحيل وحتى
"غير القانوني" انتقاد الصهيونية أو إسرائيل. الهجوم على حرية التعبير والديمقراطية
في دول مثل ألمانيا وفرنسا والمملكة المتحدة أمثلة من دول تدعي الخحريات وحقوق
- تنتهي صراعات المستعمرين مع السكان الأصليين في واحد من ثلاثة سيناريوهات:
أ) النموذج الجزائري (ما يقرب من 2 مليون شهيد و مليون مستعمر وأحفادهم غادروا البلاد)
، ب) الإبادة الجماعية للسكان الأصليين (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ، أستراليا) ،
ج) التعايش في بلد واحد لأحفاد المستعمرين والسكان الأصليين (بقية العالم > 140
دولة). لا يوجد سيناريو رابع. فلسطين لن تكون استثناء. إنه النضال الأخير والممتد إلا
بسبب قوة الصهاينة وثرواتهم بل لضعفنا. لكن الصهاينة وجميع الأنظمة المتواطئة في حاجة
إلى تحديد أي من النتائج الثلاث يريدون. إطالة الأمر لا يفيدهم. يبلغ عدد الفلسطينيين
اليوم 13 مليون (12 ضعف ما كنا عليه في عام 1917 عندما صدر وعد بلفور ووعد كامبون دعما
للصهيونية). السكان الأصليون الفقراء يتكاثرون أكثر من لو كانو في وضع اقتصادي حسن
وهذه معضلة الإستعمار.
- أولئك الذين انخرطوا في الاستغلال والدمار في القرن الماضي (بلجيكا
في الكونغو ، والبريطانيون في أفريقيا وآسيا ، والولايات المتحدة في كمبوديا وفيتنام
، إلخ) أفلتوا إلى حد كبير بسبب تجزئة العالم. الآن أصبح العالم مزدحمًا للغاية وأصبح من غير الممكن استخدام مثل هذه القوات العسكرية
بشكل فعال لإملاء الأمور دون تداعيات. ومن هنا كانت إخفاقات محاولات حديثة مثل حرب
الولايات المتحدة على العراق وإسرائيل على غزة ولبنان ودول عميلة للولايات المتحدة
على سوريا واليمن). هذا يعطي الأمل.
- ما إذا كانت منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية بقيادة ياسر عرفات ومحمود عباس
وقّعت على اتفاقات أوسلو عن جهل أو معرفة لإجرامها فإن البقاء معها لمدة ثلاثة عقود
للحفاظ على مواقفهم هو سلوك إجرامي بحق الشعوب. بالنسبة لما تبقى من الجسد الفلسطيني
فإن الإذعان هو تواطؤ بالجرائم. لماذا لا يقوم أي من هؤلاء القادة المزعومين للاعتراف بأن هذا الوهم الرهيب للفصل العنصري المصاغ
على أنه "سلام" كان نكبة ثانية على قدم المساواة مع نكبة 1948/1949.
- ما تسمى بالجامعة العربية ومنذ وفاة جمال عبد الناصر عام 1970 (ربما
اغتيل) هي أداة للقمع والإمبريالية الأمريكية / الإسرائيلية. ممالك الخليج على وجه
الخصوص كانت ترتجف من خطب عبد الناصر. الآن يفلتوا من قتل وتقطيع صحفي معارض في سفارتهم
في تركيا ودعم الإمبريالية والصهيونية علنبا. يرتكبوا إبادة جماعية في اليمن ويحتلوها
لمنح إسرائيل قواعد في جزيرة سقطرى. يفقرون شعوبهم ويسعدون بتقديم مئات المليارات من
الدولارات لإثراء خزائن الإمبرياليين والصهاينة طالما تسمح لهم بمواصلة اضطهاد الناس.
- الخطأ ليس فقط في "قادتنا" (سيكون من السهل علاجه إذا كان
كذلك) . هم وضعوا الربح المالي قصير الأجل قبل الناس وبقاء الكوكب. بل إن الخطأ فينا
لإبقاء هؤلاء "القادة" في السلطة. مشكلتنا التصفيق لهم (شعبنا سحيجة
بنسبة عالية) وتسهيل سيطرتهم علينا والقبول بسياسات فرق تسد (ترويج الخوف مثلا بين
السنة والشيعة) والتخلي عن كرامتنا بشكل عام. يجب أن نؤمن بأنفسنا وبشعبنا (وهو أمر
لا تريدنا النخبة السياسية أن نفعله). هذه هي الطريقة التي نتخلص بها من الاستعمار
(بما في ذلك الصهيونية) والأوبئة مثل الكورونا والنكبة البيئية (الكارثة) وخطر الحرب
- ومع ذلك بأعجوبة يستمر نمو
حركة المقاطعة BDS ودعم الناس لحقوق الإنسان الفلسطين. إذا نظرت إلى
عدد الحاضرين في الندوات عبر الإنترنت التي تمت دعوتي للتحدث معهم (2-3 ندوات أسبوعيا) ونمو الشبكات والإجراءات المضادة
فإن الاستنتاج لا مفر منه: لا يمكن تصفية فلسطين ولن يتم ذلك. السؤال هو أين يقف كل
واحد منا: جانب بايدن وترامب ونتنياهو وأمثاله ، أو جانب السكان الأصليين. إذا أردنا
معالجة تغير المناخ ، وتهديدات الحرب النووية ، والأوبئة العالمية ، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير
، يجب علينا إعادة الاتصال بالسكان الأصليين وتمكينهم. أن تكون في الجانب الخطأ هنا
أمر وجودي.
الجزء النهائي من الحقيقة كما قال مارتن لوثر كينج: إما أن نعيش معًا
كأخوة في البشرية أو نموت معًا كأغبياء. "الفوز" بصفقات تجارية للسيطرة على
ثروة العالم سيعني في النهاية إما أن نستيقظ ونغير هذا الواقع أو نندثر جميعا. نحن
7.5 مليار وهم أقلية صغيرة يأملون في إدارة العالم لمصلحتهم على المدى القصير ولكنهم
سيسببون كارثة طويلة الأمد (انقراض كنوع). يمكن أن يكون لأطفالهم المليارات أو يمكن
لأطفالهم الحصول على عالم صالح للعيش ولكن ليس كلاهما.
بالنسبة لنا عامة الناس فقد حان وقت "الثورة على الآلة" كما
تقول الأغنية القديمة