Oct 28, 2024

Olives, hope, and more

 Today is the last day we work on our olive trees at the museum gardens in Bethlehem (80 trees). Earlier last week we picked olives in our own home garden in Beit Sahour. This is a form of resistance but it is also physically and mentally healthy exercise that gets us to understand both the blessings and the challenges of life. As a communal event, we receive help from volunteers (local and international) and we get to feel camaraderie and friendship while we also discuss the horrors of starving people of Gaza, of children body parts blown by US bombs, of what motivates genocide, geopolitics, and of our role and purpose in life. T see pictures/reports on activities at our institute, check out our facebook page

The olive picking season and the olive tree have been a sacred part of our lives for thousands of years. Here is an article I wrote many years ago about this. Hope is also rekindled in our hearts from our people. Those who volunteered with us like the employees of the red crescent society who helped us pick olives. I am inspired by a Palestinian Tamer who holds two jobs (one as a guard here at our institute but also helped with olives and one as a mechanic), thus working 16 hours a day and yet walks his daughter to school every day. I am inspired by Mosab Abo Taha (see this and this) and Ramzy Baroud a brilliant writer who lost his MD sister in Gaza (see this) and Lebanese women Ghadi Francis. I am inspired by this missionary who walks where Jesus walked, even in time of war. I could list thousands of people like that that I personally know; someone should compile a webpage; I am sure we can list hundreds of thousands of candles in the darkness

Thus, we have hope and faith despite the genocidal onslaught against our people of Gaza, Lebanon, the West Bank and also Syria and Yemen goes (76 years of colonialism, supremacy, hegemony, and control).  

The Cactus and the cucumber: A reflection on hope (I wrote this almost 20 years ago)


Col. Larry Wilkerson & Scott Ritter on how Iran destroyed Israeli attack while IDF crushed by a recovered Hezbollah  https://youtu.be/9JoIAfK07uM
Zionist plan: Nile to Euphrates https://youtu.be/KMxooA7CQ8g
This is what it looks like when masses of people are transported to concentration and torture camps in the 21st century. Will the people behind the wheel one day claim that they were 'just drivers'? https://x.com/pawelwargan/status/1849084175829078189
Israeli Soldiers SICKENING War Crimes EXPOSED https://youtu.be/gEo813rYm8g
Nakba happening again in front of the entire world:
and one more massacre (now over 3000 massacres) from Khan Younis
reminiscent of another massacre at same place in 1956:
(yes this is not new)
Kill Them All: The Extermination of Palestinians
UN report confirms MASS RAPE of Palestinian hostages in Israeli torture camps
Chris Hedges: Extermination works - at first
CIA and a private company to run concentration camp in Gaza
People of Gaza are starving while Arabs hold lavish feasts
Australian-Israeli dual citizen Mark Regev under trial for genocide advocacy
The "President of the European Commission" Ursula von der Leyden not only has excused every crime committed by Israel (war crimes, crimes against humanity, apartheid, genocide) but even advocates suppression of free speech in Europe ala what they have in Germany (no Palestinians flags, no speech against Zionism or colonialism, no "Free Palestine" slogans). She is truly a "daughter of nationalist Germany" which committed the genocide in Namibia and of Nazis and neo-Nazis. And here is a bit about her father and his role in WWII Germany Who was the father of Ursula von der Leyden in WW2? . We do not know if her affinity to Israel is a (deluded) way of making up (she should not because Nazis collaborated with the Zionists who do not represent Jews and even broke the boycotts of Nazi Germany). She should know better. The EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell criticized her biased stance which, he said, undermined Europe's geopolitical position and was at variance with reality of a catastrophic Israel induced humanitarian catastrophe.

Oct 17, 2024

Resistance and colonization

Palestinians, like others, reflect on resistance and fate of other nations subjected to colonization. Zionist leaders wish for us a fate similar to that of the Lakota Nation in what became the United States of America. As the Polish new tough-man who received the torch from Hitler said: you have to keep beating them and killing them so hard they never rise. Most Palestinians think of decolonization ala Algeria or (mostly) like South Africa. In Algeria, after a protracted 132 year conflict, the colonizers left (many of them six or seven generations so were not really “returning to Europe”). But this was a costly conflict with some one or two million Algerians killed (a genocide). The South African model is cited more by Palestinians who are recruiting international support with boycott, divestments and sanctions and locally engaged in resistance. Like Algerian or Apache or Lakota or South African or Aztec people, resistance took both armed and non-armed forms. There were those who believed in armed resistance (Crazy horse, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Nelson Mandela, Omar Mukhtar, Che Guevara) and others who believed in popular resistance (Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi). Individual way of death varied for each. There were movements like the African National Congress in South Africa and the National Liberation Front in Algeria or the PLO labeled as terrorist organizations by both the colonizers and the West. Most of the resistance whether it was in South Africa or Algeria or Palestine was popular resistance (see my book). That did not matter to the colonizers who wanted the land without the troublesome indigenous people. All resistance was in the cross-hairs of the colonizers past, present, and future.  Genocides, pogroms, massacres continued anyway. 

In all such situations, both the colonizers and the colonized understand it is a fateful and existential struggle for their narratives. Shiny city on a hill, manifest destiny, heroic resistance, terrorism, promised land, defending ourselves (circling the wagons), barbarians, white or red devils, forces of darkness and forces of light, are the language terms used over and over again depending on where you stand on colonization (see books by Franz Fanon and Edward Said). The outcomes are limited with only three possible scenarios: Australia/USA, Algeria/Vietnam, and South Africa/rest of world models. I know that I and millions push for that third model and it is the most common outcome found in 160+ countries/territories (see my other book). But for indigenous people under the boot in times of hopelessness or times of hope, survival itself is a form of victory. We Palestinians survived 76 years of horror that no one saw before and survived even in the midst of horrors of an ongoing extermination campaign in the Gaza Strip.

Oct 13, 2024

On sisters and personal reflection

 This message now reaches over 60,000 individuals directly and many more by forwards. They are mostly activists (perhaps 75-80%), 15-20% spectators and “neutral” people (journalists etc), and perhaps 400 Zionists (which is OK with me as in some cases they may see the light). I usually try to relay situations on the ground that are missing from the manipulated/controlled western “mainstream” media. I also sometimes quote articles for example today I could put links to articles about the extermination in Jabalia and Beit Hannoun.  Craig Murray wrote from Scotland: "A deliberate and complete extermination of the population of Jabalia and Beit Hanoun is happening this very second, so that Israel can annex this piece of Northern Gaza. The world does nothing. Sorry, that is not true. The western world supplies the weapons." And Francesca Albanese wrote: "You can be a celebrity or an ordinary person. If you stay SILENT, PASSIVE, INACTIVE while Palestinians trapped in Gaza - human beings who breathe, feel and dream exactly like you - get slaughtered by an unchecked army, you are no different from those who continued to go by their lives during past genocides who erased millions from the earth." And John Gutterman Tranen wrote: "The IOF observed Yom Kippur by turning Jabalia into an extermination zone. May they never be forgiven and may their names be removed from the book of life." and John Lyons, ABC Sydney correspondent, wrote from Beirut: "Israel has bombed one of the main water channels from Litani River. Thousands of hectares now without irrigation. This will cause huge food shortages. On top of heavy shelling and “widespread” (HRW) use of chemical weapons by Israel (white phosphorus) on south Lebanon. This is devastating."

On some (rather rare) occasions I state my own fears, hopes, and thoughts. This message is one to do so more poignantly. What prompted me to do this is a message from Hiam in Gaza (displaced now a fourth time and living with her surviving family in a tent). Hiam lost an eye to an Israeli bullet in 2001 (she was 7 years old then) and we had hosted her then in our home in the US as we got her a prosthetic eye (which she has since outgrown and now merely puts a batch on her eye. Hiam, now 30 years old, has a 10-year-old son Mohannad whose school was bombed. She still calls me Baba (dad) and calls Jessie Mama (Mom) and our son Akhoya (my brother). Her daily description of the horrors she is witnessing around her and her feelings keeps me awake at night. Islam whose son Mohammad on a whee chair was partly burned with his sister from the Israeli shelling of their tent. But the two families of Hiam and Islam are two of many I am in touch with in Gaza and they are ones still alive (awaiting the machine of extermination to reach them). I dread the coming winter for them all (1.9 million people). Sometimes they tell me they envy the dead (>200,000 dead in Gaza in the last 12 months) as they are starving and since most of them are highly religious they believe in an afterlife which has no suffering and pain.

Hiam  and her son Muhannad in 2023 (before the horrors) 

Mohammad Abulkhair in early 2023 (before that home was demolished and he was burned with his sister) and his sister Layan being treated

Here in Bethlehem, I talk daily to people who were beaten by Israeli soldiers and settlers or who were denied access to tend to their lands. Just last week we lost Ziad Abuhleil (a person I knew who, in his 60s was my age) beaten to death by Israeli soldiers. And yesterday were were informed of the death in Israeli prison of a Bethlehemite 37 year old (he would be 58th tortured to death this past year). This past week, our friend Dr. Ramzy Baroud lost his sister. Ramzi, a renouned author co-edited with Dr. Ilan Pappe the book "Our Vision For Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out"  (available in Arabic and English) in which I had a chapter. Ramzy wrote Friday 1 AM about his sister:

"Early this evening, Israel has killed, or more accurately assassinated, my sister Dr Soma Baroud, by bombing her taxi in the Khan Yunis area, killing her and six other innocent people. She was the kindest soul, a great mother and a most loving sister. She was a member of a generation of female doctors that revolutionized medicine in the Strip. She healed many people, never charged the poor and until the last day of her life remained principled, loving, kind and patient, even when Israel blew up her house a few weeks ago. I don’t know what else to say, aside from the fact that I suddenly feel as if a child who became orphaned all over again. She was a leader of our family, and fulfilled the role of our mother who died at a young age. I am sorry, sister, that I could do nothing to protect you. I feel deep shame that I live in the very country that paid for and made the bombs that killed you. When the numbness is gone, I will try to stay strong only driven by the hope that we will meet again in Paradise."
Dr. Soma

Dr. Soma is gone as a sister. Hiam and Layan are disfigured as sisters but still alive for now. Each death and each injury and each difficulty produces a scar and Palestine has millions of scars.  For each of us who care, these scars are personal and they do not heal. They shape our minds and hearts. We do not forget. The only thing we try to do is channel these traumas towards actions for justice and for peace. I investigated hundreds of forms of resistance and wrote a book and many papers on popular resistance. This allowed me to experiment and work with various forms of resistance also as therapeutic to our traumas. It is not merely civil disobedience or being in the wrong place at the wrong time that results in our detention or arrest (this of course happened to me as to over 1 million Palestinians). There are hundreds of other forms of resistance which I explained in my book and that I personally practice. I must say in retrospect that the most important form of resistance is resistance to mental colonization (see this paper). That also means not losing our mind over all the atrocities we see but to stay focused on the work that needs to be done. I wrote lessons I learned in a reflection in  2018 still valid.

Keep Palestine alive by staying humane and active

Sep 30, 2024

Need for action

Reminder: There is an ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip. Maybe we need reminder of other facts showing why this matters globally and ask how we collectively can act to stop being pushed into a cataclysmic future:

-Zionism worked to forcefully transform a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, and multi-lingual country called Palestine (part of the land of Canaan) to a “Jewish state of Israel” 

-(Zionism partially successful): Today there are 15 million of us Palestinians, 8 million are refugees and millions live in shrinking reservations/ghettos/bantustans/concentration camps subject to the most brutal daily attacks and torture for 76 years.

-A genocide started in 1948 with 33 massacres and ethnic cleansing (Nakba) and accelerated in the past year after the Gaza ghetto uprising 7 October 2023. Over 250,000 Palestinians have been killed since 1948, over a million injured.

-Zionism started and promoted from Western Powers using a distorted image of Judaism in the same way that crusaderism used a distorted image of Christianity.

-These western powers (themselves colonial and build on the destruction of hundreds of millions of indigenous people) are supporting now one of the most dangerous colonial power in history (dangerous for all humanity, see below).

Reminder: There is an ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip

-All colonial powers dubbed any form of local/native resistance as terrorism, barbarism, savagery etc.

-To be honest with ourselves we must admit that hundreds of millions of people of the global south were (lethally) mistaken in assuming there was relevance to a western (read colonial) created global system that talked about International law and order while committing the most heinous crimes against humanity. Exhibit A: check US behavior at the UNSC.

-Any moral laws in Christianity, Islam, Judaism or other religions are totally meaningless to saving us when their subjects engage in committing horrors like what we saw in the past 200 years (massacres, pogroms, over 50 genocides, etc) and their co-religionists stay silent.

Reminder: There is an ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip

-This genocide is different than say the genocide of native Americans or aborigines or others: 1) broadcast live (no one can claim they did not know, see ongaza.org for links), 2) accompanied by the largest body of lies perpetuated on (controlled) mass media and pop culture in the West/Global North, 3) originates not from one regime but from several (many under strong Zionist lobbies), 4) Perpetrated by Zionists with an superiority-inferiority complex (claim of perpetual victimhood while claiming superiority over “goyim”), 5) it accelerated in the 21st century in the era of weapons of mass destruction (hyperbaric bombs, nuclear, chemical, mass planting of explosives in common house-hold devises) and mass control (Zionist Pegasus software, control of mass media and technology etc)

-Zionism being in the active phase of colonization does not set its borders. They tell us they are expanding and they expand. Their next occupation/colonization areas being talked about is all the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates. But it goes beond that since Zionists now control education and many business is countries like the USA and the UAE (Exhibit A: watch suppression of free speech on university campuses).

Reminder: There is an ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip

-Jewish Zionists represent at best 8 million people and Christian Zionists at best 50 million (there are 16 million Jews and 2.38 billion Christians in the world). Zionists thus represent 0.72% of the total world population. Any rational analysis shows how they drive apocalyptic fate of the world against the wishes of 99.28% of the world population (minus those who profit from militarism and the rampant capitalism system, people like Trump and Musk).

-Military spending keeps increasing especially in Western colonial powers (including “Israel”) and in their puppet regimes like “Saudi Arabia” and UAE. 

-The military is the largest single contributor to pollution and climate change. Geopolitcal tension and wars also divert people attention away from sustainability issues.

-Colonial oppressive regime used and still use “divide and conquer” strategies to get poor people hating other poor people while the rich get richer (see populist right-wing rhetoric in Western countries for good examples).

-Global joint struggle can work as it did against colonial apartheid South Africa

Reminder: There is an ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip

Whole families are daily being wiped out in the Gaza strip (and now in Lebanon) while the trends above portend a catastrophic and cataclysmic end of human civilization. People around the world are waking up (hundreds of millions were on the streets). Yet, we must organize better, get our activists better educated, and understand the nature of the evil forces that will make this planet uninhabitable if we do not stop them. The burden is on this generation to stop the rush to our extinction. In particular oppressed people around the world must unite. We are the majority as noted above. Search your city for organizers and events in this week on the anniversary of the acceleration of Genocide or organize your own activity. Let us also all redouble our efforts for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions. We are lucky to live in an era of transformation where we can make a difference and it is an existential struggle for humanity. And yes, there is a path forward 

Sep 22, 2024

End of Empire?

I wrote this after watching this shocking [must see] video that explain things to you about what humanity is up against https://youtu.be/yDWaRO88ezA  and illustrate the urgency of the situation [And if you want to know about the linked ongoing genocide and ecocide, just visit http://ongaza.org]

Unless Kamala Harris reverses course and suspends arms shipments to Israel  used in genocide, Trump will win the election because critical Muslim, Arab and progressive voters in key swing states will not vote for genocide party A. They will not vote for genocidal party B (Republicans) now run by the megalomaniac Trump who is willing to burn the world for his ego and to prevent the Mossad from releasing damaging tapes they have on him (Epstein/Maxwell produced). In either case, the US is likely finished as an empire unless its public wakes up as they did during the 1960s. Many of us had predicted this a while back but the speed of the decay is stunning which gives a risk of a global war to save the Empire (a losing proposition in areas of high tech WMDs). It is not just related to over 1.2 million COVID19 US deaths or to a $35 TRILLION in government/national debt (much of it to countries like China and Japan and much of it for wars done for the lobbies) or the corporate and personal debts. It is not just that the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world with two million citizens behind bars. It is also due to NATO taken over by irresponsible leadership that is getting us closer to a global war (see this analysis https://youtu.be/yDWaRO88ezA). It is also that the political system had the illusion of democracy (democrats and republicans exchanging seats and positions) while key actors (Federal reserve system of rich bankers and lobbies like the Zionist-Israeli lobby) actually manage the system.

More and more people also now increasingly realize that the so-called “justice system” is really dysfunctional and serves the rich and powerful. Lower level courts sentence black individuals to harsh sentences while exonerating white racist killers and mid level system that allows corruption to go on (e.g. by rich people like Trump, Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban, Roger Stone, Les Wexner) to the supreme court. The Republican controlled Supreme Court ruled that actions by the president while in office are not subject to law/prosecution. Even free speech and attempts to boycott rogue states like Israel (an apartheid genocidal state) is now forbidden by law in many states and in some federal regulations.  That war on truth and justice in the west is carried in parallel with the actual genocidal war on our people (Palestinians and Lebanese and others) to cleanse the land and resources coveted for the Empire sans its indigenous people).

The Orwellian theatres of the absurd notwithstanding, the new world order is not turning out the way it was planned. The neocon Zionists of the 1990s plans included "securing the realm" and strategies that predicted an event like 11 Sept 2001 would help them to secure a “new American Century”, the pre planned invasion of Iraq etc. They have all backfired. While the senile king of Saudi Arabia incoherently tried to read a text prepared for him attacking Iran and his murderous son was enjoying booze and women on his $100 million yacht, Iran, China and Russia where defying Israeli occupied Washington (e.g. on the illegal economic war on Iran and Syria), interlinking their economies, military cooperation and more.

Times are indeed changing. Trump may win the elections but this will only accelerate the demise of the US power. Here is why he may win (in order of importance): 1) the Zionist lobby wants him to win elections to complete successes in bolstering Israel (and ensure the lobby is above the law and beyond scrutiny), 2) Harris courting of the lobby and supporting genocide undermines any remnant of illusion progressives, 3) Trump and his circle will do anything to win, 4) the American public is not allowed to hear all facts and the public can be manipulated by mainstream media and social media to vote for lesser of two evils based on fear propaganda (hundreds of millions spent on advertisements), 5) the Democrat party is corrupt and worked hand in glove with republicans against allowing other parties.

While I do not mourn the impending demise of the empire, I do feel sad for the economic deprivations that will come in the next few years in a land that I lived in for over two decades (before I returned to Palestine) and that I love (people, nature, etc). I would wish for the pain to be minimal and for better and quicker rebuilding in a far more sustainable and equitable way. The main danger after the election, is of a global war launched to defend Zionism and allow it to build an empire in Western Asia. The Israeli/Zionist Apartheid and ongoing genocide (in Palestine) remains the Achilles heel that exposes Western Hypocrisy just like Western support for South African Apartheid provided in the 1980s.
Let us (re)imagine and plan a world of multilateral cooperation, sustainability and equality and work extra hard to achieve it before it is too late and cockroaches inherit our planet. It is more urgent now than ever and it is an existential struggle for all humanity.

Aug 15, 2024

Existential struggle

Now the numbers killed in the indiscriminate slaughter in Gaza exceeded 40,000 registered deaths (72% of them women and children). But the number of deaths could be many folds more (at least ten thousand under the rubble, many thousands died for lack of food or medical care etc). But globally the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. How do they do it and how do we stop it. First simple facts:

-The reasons we have high incidence of hurricanes, floods, and other catastrophe is man made climate change-The reason we are not doing much about climate change is that there are greedy individuals who profit from the trends
-There are no just wars. There are understandable and justified resistance of native people to colonialism
-The uncontrollable fascist Western-created “Jewish state” is beginning to be an irritant to Western Powers who invested hundreds of billions in this pet project of imperialism. Hence, they try to save it from itself and from furthering the genocide that is embarrassing them and exposing western hypocrisy. Hence they are meeting in Qatar. Such efforts are driven more by failures: failure of the 5th strongest army in the world (supported by the US and the UK and France) to defeat a guerrilla force in the besieged and occupied Gaza strip; failure to create a deep Shia-Sunni divide; failure to mobilize the word against Islam; failure to contain the truth of what is happening on the ground; failure to bully their way.. etc.
-Western creations like ISIS/Daesh are now exposed for their agendas and are in retreat in the face of pushback by people of all faiths (Sunni Kurdish, Shia, Christian etc).
- Countries like North Korea, Russia, China, Venezuela and Iran watched what the US did in places like Libya, Syria and Iraq. They watched as western powers did economic sabotage and caused havoc around the world (from blowing up Nord Stream Pipeline to economic strangulation). Instead of successfully bankrupting Russia and China, the US/Israel policies are bankrupting their own states. -Israel is not an asset to the US or to any other country but a liability to the whole world. Zionism is not nationalism, it is a worldwide movement in which Israel is only one of its bases. A world Zionist network created Israel and supports it at the cost of millions of native Arab rights. It is a movement based on manipulation, wars, destruction and genocide GLOBALLY.
-We have wars to distract us from the inequalities and injustices and to make money for a few already very rich people. Zionist Jews dominate these elites (Mirriam Adelson just donated $100 million to the trump campaign and >50% of donations to the Democratic party come from Zionists).
-An axis of resistance against US and Zionist imperialism does exist and does have the support of most of the people globally (e.g. see growth of BDS movement and public surveys and see what countries like Yemen and Lebanon are doing to stem aggression and genocide)
-An axis of collaboration, lies, deceit, and murder does exist and has the support of most of the regimes in the Arab world (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Egypt, Morocco) as well as regimes in Western countries (US, Britain, Australia, France)
-Demography has shifted around the world and thus most regimes move to assert more government controls and less democracy. Laws are enacted to silence any critics. The best tool for governments is to use perceived threats (previously communism, now immigrants, Islam and terrorism). False flag operations have thus gone dramatically up.
-For people to act is no longer a luxury but an existential need to protect our species. The last two decades showed that the schemes of the rich and powerful can delay freedom and damage sustainability. Yet, we the people can and do succeed. People do make a difference. If you think on all positive things in human history, they all happened by people acting positively and challenging status quo or rising up to help those in need. The most important development is that citizens in the West now know the truths including the truth that their systems are managed by moneyed interests and distractions and thus they have no democratic say in government (selecting "lesser of two evils" to give the delusion of "democracy" and "voting").

Apathy is an enemy of progress, action works. We are hopeful because as Howard Zinn once wrote (and I quoted it in my book “
Sharing the Land of Canaan
” in 2004):

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”

Aug 11, 2024


على مدى السنوات الخمس والأربعين الماضية، كنت ناشطاً في الشوارع وعلى شبكة الإنترنت مع نضال شعبنا من أجل العودة وتقرير المصير في مواجهة نظام استعماري وحشي لا يرحم. قرأت آلاف الكتب وكتبت بعضها بنفسي. قرأت عشرات الآلاف من الأبحاث والأوراق التحليلية (وكتبت مئات منها بنفسي). في الواقع، يمكن وصف مشكلة بلدنا بإيجاز شديد. ويمكن وصف حلها (العلاجات) بإيجاز أيضاً. إن تنفيذ الحل سيكون ممكناً وهو السبيل الوحيد لتجنب حرب عالمية كارثية.

باختصار، لدينا 15 مليون فلسطيني أصلي، وأكثر من 8 ملايين منا أصبحوا لاجئين أو نازحين قسرا (وهذا العدد يتزايد يومياً). حتى الآن قُتل أو هلك أكثر من 250 ألف فلسطيني بسبب سياسات الإبادة الجماعية منذ عام 1948. وأصيب مليون فلسطيني وسجن مليون آخر منذ عام 1948. وقع اليهود الجناة تحت تأثير فكرة تسمى الصهيونية التي تحاول إقناع الناس بأن اليهودية هي جنسية (اليهودية القسطنطينية كما أطلق عليها مارك إليس) وبالتالي فإن اليهود كجماعة ليس لديهم الحق في هذه الأرض القديمة فحسب، بل لديهم حق حصري فيها. تم جمع أكبر عدد ممكن من اليهود من جميع أنحاء العالم للاستيلاء على الأراضي الأصلية بقوة السلاح وقوات جماعات الضغط في جميع أنحاء العالم التي تذهب إلى الحكومات الغربية لتبني هذا المشروع المتمثل في التطهير العرقي والإبادة الجماعية (وتدمير البيئة وكل شيئ!).

إن المشاكل الرئيسية التي واجهت هذا المشروع الاستعماري هي 1) أنه وصل إلى الاستعمار متأخراً بعض الشيء بعد أن فقد الاستعمار جاذبيته (المدينة اللامعة على التل، والأرض الموعودة، والأعراق الأدنى وكل ذلك)، 2) المقاومة العنيدة من قبل السكان المحليين (المسيحيين، المسلمين، البهائيين، الدروز، إلخ) الذين لم يرحلوا ببساطة (انظر كتابي حول هذا الموضوع http://qumsiyeh.org/popularresistanceinpalestine/، و3) صعوبة السيطرة على المعلومات في القرن الحادي والعشرين (على سبيل المثال البث المباشر لأعمال الإبادة الجماعية تنشر على منصات التواصل).

إن الدعم للمشروع الصهيوني وسبب استمراره لفترة طويلة كان عدة أسباب (ليس بترتيب معين): 1) الدعاية الجيدة التي تم نشرها على نطاق واسع من خلال وسائل الإعلام الغربية الخاضعة لسيطرة جيدة وهوليوود والتي خلقت وهمًا (ثقافة شعبية) بأن إسرائيل ديمقراطية وأنها مخلصة ومفيدة لليهود وأنها تدافع عن نفسها ، 2) شبكة صهيونية عالمية قوية التنظيم على استعداد لفعل أي شيء من أجل تعزيز القضية بما في ذلك الرشوة والابتزاز ولي الذراع بطرق أخرى، 3) سياسة إنشاء ودعم "زعماء" مستبدين عرب ومسلمين على استعداد لدعم المشروع للاحتفاظ بمقاعدهم. لقد تلقت هذه الركائز الثلاث ضربات قوية بسبب المقاومة والإبادة الجماعية المتعمدة والمستمرة الواضحة والصحوة العالمية (بما في ذلك العربية والإسلامية). لكن يبدو أن الركائز صامدة حتى الآن رغم اهتزازها. وفكرتي هي أن الضربات الموجهة إلى هذه الركائز يجب أن تتزايد بشكل كبير لإنهاء هذا الكابوس للبشرية وتجنب حرب عالمية كارثية (حيث سيكون الجميع خاسرين). ما هي المطارق التي تحتاج إلى تعزيز؟

1) المقاومة: بطبيعة الحال، في النضالات الاستعمارية المناهضة للاستعمار، تكون أغلب أشكال المقاومة غير مسلحة وبعضها مسلح. ويعترف القانون الدولي ليس فقط بحق المقاومة بل والالتزام بالمقاومة. وهذا يشمل ضرورة بناء مؤسسات الصمود (المرونة/المقاومة) على الأرض مثل مؤسستنا (palestinenature.org) ومئات المؤسسات الأخرى. وعلى مدى السنوات المائة والخمسين الماضية، ثبت أن قتل المزيد من الفلسطينيين يخلق مقاومة أكثر (وحتى أكثر ذكاءً/إبداعًا) (انظر مرة أخرى كتابي حول هذا الموضوع http://qumsiyeh.org/popularresistanceinpalestine/).

2) الدعم من قبل جميع أصحاب الضمير في جميع أنحاء العالم. وهذا يشمل أشياء مثل المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات وفرض العقوبات (انظر bdsmovement.net)، والعمل الإعلامي، والعصيان المدني وغير ذلك.

3) قول الحقيقة: نشر الرواية الحقيقية لما يحدث وتبديد الأساطير والأكاذيب بما في ذلك حول "حق المستعمرين في الدفاع عن أنفسهم"، وطبيعة أنظمة الفصل العنصري، وأساطير "حل الدولتين". وللتعرف على هذه الأساطير، راجع كتابي الصادر عام 2004 http://qumsiyeh.org/sharingthelandofcanaan/

4) تفكيك شبكة دعم الاستعمار. ويشمل هذا فضح كل الأفراد والكيانات التي تدعم الصهيونية بما في ذلك "السلطة الفلسطينية". فقد أنشئت السلطة الفلسطينية بموجب "اتفاقات أوسلو" وكان من المفترض أن تكون مؤقتة لمدة 5 سنوات ولكنها الآن تبلغ من العمر 30 عامًا وقد جعلت "إسرائيل" ناجحة اقتصاديًا ودبلوماسيًا بينما دمرت مجتمعنا ودمرت المقاومة الشعبية بشكل منهجي. وهذا هو الاحتلال الاستعماري الأكثر ربحية في التاريخ. إن تقويض هذا النظام المزور أمر ضروري وكذلك الدفع نحو إنهاء الاستعمار والنضال ضد الفصل العنصري. وهذا أصعب بكثير على المستعمرين التعامل معه. راجع كتب إدوارد سعيد حول هذا الموضوع.

لاحظ أنني لم أضف نقطة خامسة حول الأمم المتحدة أو القوانين أو الاتفاقيات الدولية لأن تنفيذها يعتمد على آليات تستطيع الولايات المتحدة استخدام حق النقض عليها، مما يمنح إسرائيل الحصانة. إن الأمر لا يزال غامضاً بشأن ما إذا كانت مثل هذه الآليات أو حتى التصريحات الصادرة عن منظمات حقوق الإنسان لها فائدة تتجاوز قيمتها في العلاقات العامة. لذا ينبغي أن تكون النقاط الأربع المذكورة أعلاه كافية في تآزرها لضرب الركائز الثلاث المذكورة أعلاه والتي تدعم الاستعمار الصهيوني. هذا هو مسارنا الإنساني الذي يبتعد عن المسار الصهيوني الذي يؤدي إلى فناء العالم ونبوءة نهاية العالم Armageddon التي تحقق ذاتها. لا يزال بوسعنا إنقاذ البشرية ولكن النافذة تضيق لذا يتعين علينا أن نتحرك على وجه السرعة. ونقدر أفكاركم.

أتظن أنك عندمـــا أحـــرقتنــي ورقصت كالشيطان فوق رفاتي
وتركتنـــي للذاريــات تـذرنــي كحلاً لعين الشمس في الفلـوات
أتظـن أنك قـد طــمست هويتي ومحــــوت تاريخي ومعتقـــداتي
عبثا تحاول …. لا فنـــاء لثائر أنــــا كالقيامـــه ذات يـــــوم آت
أنا مثـل عيـسى عــائد وبقــــوة مــن كــل عاصـــفة ألـم شتـاتي
سأعــود أقدم عاشــــق متمــرد سأعـود أعظـم أعظم الثــــورات
سأعود بالتوراة والإنجيـل والــ قـــرآن والتسـبــيح والصـــلواتي
سأعـود بالأديـان ديــناً واحـــداً خــــــال مـــن الأحقـاد والنعرات
رجل من الأخدود ما من عودتي بـد … أنا كل الزمــــــان الآتــي
مهذل الصقور