Jan 26, 2025


 Sorry my last message copied an incorrect line from the British individual who shared it with me. Teaches me not to rush with copy-paste, I corrected on the previous blog

Jan 24, 2025

Old story- new twist


Jan 21, 2025

The choice is ours?

Both Netanyahu and Trump have visions of building empires and discarding the remnants of international law and the UN. Will they succeed to lead us to a World War or will we have peace? Trump immediately acted with executive orders to dismantle the US's connection to the world with a triumphalist inaugural speech full of classic colonialist language of manifest destiny, frontiers, pioneers and so on. But this is only more open empire building that was happening under his predecessors. His fascist billionnaire supporters are pardoned or even give Nazi Salute (lie Elon Musk) while common people (inluding Jews) who speak for Palestinian human rights are dubbed "anti-semitic" by Zionist groups like the ADL. The US is completing its second largest so-called "embassy" (in Beirut, the first in Baghdad). Each accommodates tens of thousands of personnel and the world is bullied to submission. See 
https://x.com/sahouraxo/status/1880757780958924938 The neoconservative zionist plan of toppling seven countries in the Arab world has materialized albeit was delayed a bit because of the resistance. Trump is only verbally more crude as than other "presidents" so he insulted people around the world from Alaskan natives to the Danish (over Greenland) to Panamanians (wants to take Panama Canal) etc. Even his nearest neighbors (Canada and Mexico) and closest allies in Europe all are in his crosshairs. 

The world all looks at this stronger push to expand the big genocidal empire (USA) and the small genocidal empire (Israel) with trepidations. But theb reaction has been an expansion of the BRICS group of nations and the lineup for a global war is becoming clearer. We in the global South were never in doubt that imperialism is deep state and that the only difference between Genocide Joe and lunatic tRump is style of bluster of character. But since the 1963 assassination of John Kennedy, the transfer power in the USA was from one Zionist puppet to another Zionist puppet. The US system of federal elections has slowly and methodically been consumed by moneyed interests of the billionaires. The democrats and republicans become two sides of the same coin which is a Public Relations campaign to give the illusion of democracy while dragging the world to the abyss in service of moneys interests. Different faces but the essence is the same: making the rich richer and the poor poorer and pardoning criminals wearing different masks. Money flows whether from Edelson and Musk to republicans or Saban, Soros and Streyer to democrats (https://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-the-leading-jewish-political-donors-in-this-us-election-cycle/). In all cases indigenous people and people of color are sacrificed on the altar the new Golden calves (and the chief being the Zionist sacred cow). Here in the occupied Palestinian territories, pogroms by Jewish colonial settlers and soldiers accelerated after the "ceasefire" agreements in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. (see https://www.middleeasteye.net/live/live-wave-israeli-settler-attacks-injure-palestinians-destroy-property-west-bank-villages) The apartheid regime only intensified: lockdown of the cantons/bantustans that we are restricted in. Home demolitions and confiscation of more Palestinian lands, and increase in Jewish colonial settler buildings (squatters on our land).Torching vehicles and homes is now almost a daily occurence supported by the fascist Netanyahu government (a government of settlers). Without going into a detailed analysis, the trends are clear and could lead to catastrophic outcomes (global war combined with climate change). To reverse this direction requires a global uprising, a global unity of all affected people. What the global imperialist elites want us to think is that our interests and causes are separate or even contradictory. But the struggles of immigrants in the US, ofAlaskans, of Californians, of Panamanians, of Syrians, of Palestinians of hundreds of other people are all one struggle against those elites profiting from their hegemony whether they are called Biden, Trump, Modi, or Neneyahu. By realizing the unity of our struggle can we defeat the greed that causes millions misery and that leads us to mass extinction. For all with eyes to see and brains to examine, the data is now available and the choice is clear. We either allow them to destroy humanity and the environement or we reclaim our humanity and our earth. The choice is ours. 

Religious Rights of Christians and Muslims violated in Jerusalem https://youtu.be/P0Af8WqlCtE 

The corporate (Zionized) media focused on Israeli prisoners released. Hardly any of them talked about the Palestinian (indigenous) prisoners released as part of the exchange. Here is more on this https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/1/18/israel-gaza-ceasefire-deal-which-palestinian-prisoners-will-be-released 

Message from Ramzy Baroud, editor of the Palestine Chronicle:Thank you to those who stood by us, fought for us, and died for us unconditionally. Palestine will remember its true comrades and never forgive those who danced on the graves of its children. #Palestine #Solidarity #Lebanon #Yemen #Gaza 

Qassem Muaddi writes well. You can see his most recent here including on "How Gaza taught us hope" https://mondoweiss.net/author/qassam-muaddi 

How to engage with Israelis who don’t fully support Palestinian rights https://electronicintifada.net/content/how-engage-israelis-who-dont-fully-support-palestinian-rights/50306 on the "ceasefire"

Jan 9, 2025


صرح وزير الداخلية الإسرائيلي المسؤول عن الشرطة والضفة الغربية (سموتريخ) أنه لديه خطة من شأنها أن تجعل المدن الفلسطينية "بما في ذلك الفندق ونابلس وجنين تبدو مثل جباليا". كان لدينا مشروع في منطقة الفندق لحماية نظام بيئي نادر للأراضي الرطبة ولكن هذا مهدد بخطط التوسع الاستعماري الإسرائيلي (انظر

https://www.palestinenature.org/research/first-vernal-pool.pdf ). التطهير العرقي حصل ويحصل في الضفة الغربية كما هو الحال في قطاع غزة وتسارع بعد معاهدات أوسلو كما حدث في عامي 1948 و 1967 في خدمة مشروع استعماري استيطاني توسعي مدعوم من الغرب. المشروع الوطني الفلسطيني كان ناجحا قبل تغييرات فرضت على صانع قرار مثل النقاط العشرة وقرار القمة العربية سنة 1974 ومعاهدات أوسلو. والآن يمتد الاستعمار ليشمل معظم جنوب سوريا بما في ذلك ستة مصادر رئيسية للمياه!!! هذا هو توسع الإمبراطورية الأصغر (إسرائيل) وراعيها (الإمبراطورية الأمريكية) حيث يتحدث إمبراطورها الجديد (ترامب) الآن عن ضم كندا وجرينلاند (الدنمارك). ولكن هل صحيح أن: "الأقوياء يفعلون ما في وسعهم والضعفاء يعانون مما يجب عليهم أن يتحملوه"؟ (منسوب إلى ثوسيديدس). الملايين من الناس الذين يقاومون الإمبراطورية في جميع أنحاء العالم يقولون لا. علاوة على ذلك، طلبت من الذكاء الاصطناعي أن يخبرني عن الإمبراطوريات التي توسعت وفعلت أشياء مروعة قبل انهيارها مباشرة بسبب الإفراط في استنزاف الموارد والغطرسة. أعطاني الذكاء الاصطناعي العديد من الأمثلة؛ في الواقع ربما تقريبًا كل إمبراطورية اندثرت في الألفي عام الماضية.

ولكن السبب الرئيسي وراء التراجع هو الغطرسة والعجز عن استيعاب الواقع. وهو العجز عن قبول فكرة أن الولايات المتحدة بنيت على أنقاض السكان الأصليين. أو أن "إسرائيل" بنيت على تدمير فلسطين، مما أدى إلى نزوح الملايين من اللاجئين ومئات الآلاف من القتلى (النكبة المستمرة). فيكثر الثأر ويقل الدعم حتى من أصحاب البشرة البيضاء أو الصهاينة المستنفعين. 

 لكن الآن المخاطر أعلى بكثير. يمكن للصراعات وتغير المناخ المدفوعين بالجشع أن يدمرا البشرية. علامات واضحة على حرب عالمية كارثية قادمة وستكون حروب نووية واستعمال الليزر من الأقمار الصناعية لتدمير مدن. وطبعا التغير المناخي (انظر الحرائق في كاليفورنيا المشتعلة الآن كدليل لاحظ انخفاض الأمطار وارتفاع درجات الحرارة عندنا والحرائق والإعصارات عالميا). ولذا يتناقص الإنتاج الزراعي وترتفع الأسعار.

ولكن أنا متفائل من انتشار الوعي والحراك العالمي وتطور التكنولوجيا . قبل 1200 عام، كتبت نبوءة شامبالا التي تتحدث عن وقت تكون فيه الأرض في وضع خطير جدا وسيكون القادة مهتمين بالدمار ولكن الناس العاديين سيكون لديهم إمكانية الوصول إلى تقنيات جديدة مذهلة ويجتمعون لإنقاذ العالم وبعضهم البعض: https://people.umass.edu/jgerber/ShambhalaWorker.htm

Shambhala prophecy fulfilled?

My family is Greek Orthodox and Christmas falls on 7 January but we do not celebrate. Only religious observances. After all as a recipient of these messages (Paul) summed it well: "Every day, Israel is killing 50 to 100 or more Palestinians in Gaza, who are already enduring unbearable suffering. 70% of those killed are women and children, which reflects the composition of the population. This gives the lie to any claims that Israel tries to minimize harm to civilians." But it is not just in Gaza. Two children were murdered in the West Bank Tuesday (our Eastern Christmas). The Israeli interior minister who is in charge of police and of the West Bank (Smotrich) stated that he has a plan that would make the Palestinian cities " including Al-Funduq, Nablus and Jenin LOOK LIKE Jabalya [devastated area in northern Gaza]". We had a project in the area of Al-Funduq to protect a rare wetland ecosystem but this is threatened by the Israeli plans of colonial expansion (see https://www.palestinenature.org/research/first-vernal-pool.pdf). The army and settlers (is there a difference?) are already engaged in pogroms and infrastructure destruction in the North West Bank while letting the Palestinian Authority try to root out resistance in Jenin Refugee Camp. This is ethnic cleansing in the West Bank as in Gaza Strip as in what happened in 1948 and 1967 is in service of an expansionist and western supported displacement settler colonial project (that is all it is!). This project's military juggernaut has now taken control of most of Southern Syria including six major water sources!!!

This is expansion of the smaller empire (Israel, "mini-me") and its sponsor (the US empire) where the new emperor (Trump) is now talking about annexing Canada and Greenland (Denmark area). But is it true that: "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"? (attributed to Thucydides). Millions of people resisting empire around the world say NO. Further, I asked AI to tell me about empires that expanded and did horrific things just before their collapse due to overstretching resources and hubris. AI gave me MANY examples; in fact maybe just about every empire in the past 2000 years. But the stakes are much higher now. Conflicts and climate change both driven by greed can destroy humanity. From 1200 years, there is the Shambhala prophecy that talks of a time when the earth is in a perilous position (climate change - see fires in California raging now as evidence and signs of global catastrophic war) the leaders will be interested destruction but the people will then have access to amazing new technologies and come together to save the world and each other:

Well. Read on (open links as you see interesting)

More on Hospitals and kidnapped medical staff from WHO

Palestinians are once again being burned alive in their tents.

What Zionists really think and how they brag about killing and torturing indigenous people


Review of film from ground zero

Jimmy Carter who recently died at age 100 had this interview with Amy Goodman focused on Palestine https://youtu.be/s_CpFC_tXho (note while in office did much to damage the Palestinian cause including pressuring Egypt to a shameful surrender agreement isolating Palestine)

First AI assisted genocide
Exposing Big Tech’s Complicity in Genocide | The Chris Hedges Report

Role of energy issues in empire calculations


Daughters of Jerusalem song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jk9llWw4ijc
Salute to Gaza Song https://youtu.be/uYSc2b1cZi0

Palestinian-American explains why he is suing the State Department over U.S. support for Israel https://youtu.be/xi46LuZPGEs

Unprecedented lawsuit filed against N. Calif. Congresspersons for funding genocide (press conference here) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QacU

BDS Victory in California

Judge rules anti-Zionism is not hate

ACT: http://qumsiyeh.org/whatyoucando/
Statement signed by 200 organizations

Finally, here are some images of Palestine that show it was a fertile populated land with indigenous people before colonialism. Despite all odds, collusion of politicians and governments around the world (even some Palestinian leaders) we Palestinians will NEVER give-up our homeland (we are willing to share it but will never give it up even after genocide).

Stay Humane and keep hope alive

Dec 30, 2024

Shocking statistics

Shocking statistics on the 450th consecutive day of the genocide on the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Government Media Office published an update on the most important statistics (deemed reliable even by the UN, WHO and even USA). PLEASE READ and disseminate that Israeli occupation forces (with US tax money and munitions and to a lesser extent other countries) did this:

- Dropped 88,000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip (more than dropped on Vietnam, and four times the explosive power of a Hiroshima-size nuclear bomb in an area of a mere 360 sq km or 250 square mile)

- Committed 9,973 massacres (killing many people at one time by bombing or shelling; 70% women and children)

- 56,714 killed and missing persons: 45,514 reached hospitals (Ministry of Health recorded), 11,200 missing persons did not reach hospitals (under rubble or bodies missing). Those killed and documented include:
*1,413 Palestinian whole families gone (no surviving members) while 3,467 Palestinian families had only one surviving family member, and the number of members of these families is 7,941 martyrs. (Ministry of Health).
*17,818 children killed (most under age of 5 years, 238 infants were born and killed n the period of the genocide).
*12,287 women killed
*1068 from the medical staff (Ministry of Health).
*94 civil defense/first responders and 728 police officers (civil)
*201 journalists (higher than those killed in WWII)
*520 exhumed from seven mass graves on grounds of targeted hospitals.

-The numbers do not include those dying from lack of food, medicine, water, from diseases and from cold. Specifically
+ 44 children were recorded starved to death, many hundreds are not recorded
+ Six infants died from hypothermia in tents, many hundreds are not recorded
+ Data do not include deaths among the 12,500 cancer patients (largely lacking treatments)
+ Data do not include deaths or debilitation from infectious diseases: 2,136,026 cases of such diseases due to displacement forcing unsanitary conditions including hepatitis, polio, skin diseases, lung disorders, intestinal disorders (Ministry of Health)
+ + Data do not include deaths or debilitation from chronic disease patients (350,000 patients such as diabetes) due to the occupation preventing the entry of medicines or allowing operation of facilities like kidney dialysis

-108,189 wounded and injured arrived at hospitals including 399 journalists and media professionals), 12,650 wounded need to travel abroad for treatment. (Ministry of Health)

-21 displacement centers (declared “safe zones”) targeted by the Israeli occupation (only 10% of the area of ​​the Gaza Strip is claimed by the Israeli occupation to be "humanitarian areas")

-35,060 children live without their parents or without one of them (orphans).

-12,125 women lost their husbands during the genocidal war.

-More than 60,000 pregnant women lack of OB/GYN healthcare (risk)

-Nearly 10,000 were abducted and incarcerated without trial including 331 medical, 43 media, and 26 civil defense personnel. Over 30 died under torture in Israeli prisons (3 medical personnel executed in prison by torture)

-2 million displaced people in the Gaza Strip. 110,000 tents were worn out and became unfit for the displaced.

-Infrastructure including most buildings were destroyed intentionally (in most cases after Israeli infantry occupied them). This includes

*135 schools and universities completely and 353 schools and universities partially destroyed (12,780 students were killed during the war): 756 teachers and educational employees in the education sector were killed by the occupation during the war. 148 scientists, academics, university professors and researchers were executed by the occupation. 785,000 students were deprived of education by the Israeli occupation.
*823 mosques were completely destroyed and 158 mosques were severely destroyed by the occupation and need to be restored.
*3 churches targeted and destroyed.
*19 cemeteries were completely or partially destroyed by the occupation out of 60 cemeteries. 2,300 bodies were stolen by the occupation from several cemeteries in the Gaza Strip.
*161,600 housing units completely destroyed and 194,000 housing units are partially destroyed
*162 health care facilities targeted by the occupation (most clinics and hospitals destroyed and/or rendered out of service).
*136 ambulances targeted
*213 government civil headquarters
*206 archaeological and heritage sites.
*3,130 kilometers of electricity networks.
*125 number of underground electricity distribution transformers destroyed.
*330 kilometers of water networks destroyed.
*655 kilometers of sewage networks destroyed.
*2,835 kilometers of road and street networks destroyed.
*42 community facilities, playgrounds and sports halls destroyed.
*717 water wells destroyed by the occupation and put out of service.
*This is 86% destruction rate in the Gaza Strip. $37 billion is the initial direct economic losses of the genocide war
*This does not include the environmental damage; some of it not repairable and some areas of Gaza are now uninhabitable for decades to come….see our research papers on this such as this one: https://www.palestinenature.org/research/Impact-of-the-Israeli-military-activities-on-the-environment.pdf

Dec 18, 2024

From Bethlehem, Palestine

All souls wondering
find peace in the place of birthing
I, a lost soul, find it here in Bethlehem
A holy place cursed now by mayhem
Palestine where the first humans out of Africa ventured

Settling a land of beauty and bounty, Canaan they called
Our fore fathers and mothers first domesticated animals and plants
and prospered in peace and harmony respecting the Gods and even the ants
Where the Shepherds heard angels sing
And in a manger was born a savior king
Where a prophet told us this is the last vanguard
one who ascended to heaven and told us to be on guard
Where ancestors invented laws and the alphabet
and a fertile crescent they created with their sweat
Where they managed to transcend adversity
and respected biological and human diversity
Cultural and natural heritage were well guarded
they dwelled under one God (Al-Ela) regarded

But a dark storm came with strangers
whose quest for “manifest destiny” endangers
who said the land belonged not to first nation
but to a chosen people from Europe by dictation
Millions do suffer
while the rich get richer

We can’t sleep thinking of Khalid Nabhan, a most gentle kindred
one year after Reem & Tareq (grandchildren) were martyred
Soul of my soul he repeatedly stated
Now they are eternally united

We get paralyzed thinking of friends sacrificed
Zionists aided by blackmailed politicians make people de-huanized

Might is right they declare
Of a higher power they are not aware

Living under apartheid we wonder
When our turn to be killed or injured and ponder
Whether we lived with enough grace and dignity?
Whether we made the right choices & fostered unity?

Did we spend enough time with good people, family, friends, activists?
Did we waste some time trying to convince racists or hanging with pessimists?
Mistakes made (we all do)- but have from our lessons, learned?
egos subdued, sometimes, and only then is respect earned!

How do we learn not to look away from suffering?
to offer a kind word, food, shelter to those enduring….
a genocide, ecocide, educide, medicide, and omnicide
and massacres of the truth – a veriticide.

We reread the beginning…ethnic cleansing
and today’s millions of candles shining
For human rights we strive
and we keep hope alive
In every street, in every corner, and in every heart
People united for a freedom, a road they chart
In our thousands in our millions
we are all Palestinians

They will never break the spirits
of 15 million Palestinians
let alone billions who stand together tall
For a better future for ALL

May 2025 be the year of peace