Feb 18, 2024

أفيقوا واستيقظوا يا عرب

فرضت إسرائيل مجاعة جماعية، وترتكب كل يوم مجازر. ما حصل كان كله متوقعًا. لقد كتبت كتابًا عن هذا سابقًا قبل 20 سنة .  يعيش الأطفال الآن في الشوارع والخيام وسط البرد القارس. أجسادهم الضعيفة الهشة تمزقها القذائف أو تموت من الجوع ويعاني أكثر من 700 ألف شخص من أمراض مرتبطة بالمجاعة ونقص المياه النظيفة ونقص الصرف الصحي. وعلى الرغم من وجود أناس جائعين ومضطهدين آخرين في أماكن أخرى (العراق واليمن والسودان والصحراء الغربية وغيرها)، إلا أن وضعنا فريد من نوعه. الصور مروعة ولدينا إبادة جماعية نشطة ومتعمدة من قبل قوة استعمارية تدعمها حكومات العديد من القوى الاستعمارية (الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة وفرنسا وألمانيا وأستراليا). يتم بث الإبادة الجماعية على الهواء مباشرة ولا يتم إخفاؤها. ولا يمكن لأحد أن يدعي أنه لم يعرف. كل إنسان على هذه الأرض يعرف (بما في ذلك الجناة والشركاء في الجريمة)، لكن موضوعي هنا ليس المعرفة؛ فالفساد هو الذي يؤدي إلى هذه الأشياء.

من المؤكد أن هناك ما يكفي من الموارد لإطعام وكساء وإيواء كل فرد على هذا الكوكب. 3% مما تنفقه الولايات المتحدة على الجيش يكفي للقضاء على الجوع في العالم. يمكن للسودان وحده أن يغذي العالم العربي، لكنه الآن غارق في صراع تقوده قوى نخبوية من إسرائيل وإثيوبيا والإمارات العربية المتحدة. وكانت سوريا أيضاً دولة مزدهرة. كانت فلسطين كانت جنة على الأرض. الجميع يعرف الأسباب ويبدو أن الشمال العالمي الذي تسيطر عليه شركات الإعلام التابعة له، لا يهتم إلا إذا قُتل الأوروبيون البيض، ويهتف عندما يُقتل السكان الأصليون بشكل جماعي لدعم النخبة والسياسية الغربية وأذيالهم. في المائة عام الماضية، قُتل ما لا يقل عن 200 مليون شخص أو ماتوا جوعا في الجنوب العالمي، ويرتبط ذلك بشكل أساسي بحصول النخب على موارد تلك البلدان. من البنك الدولي، وصندوق النقد الدولي، والقوات المسلحة للدول، أصبحت المكائد الرامية إلى فرض هذه السيطرة والتسبب في عمليات القتل والحروب التي لا نهاية لها مفهومة جيدًا الآن من قبل الجماهير في جميع أنحاء العالم. إن المذبحة التي شهدتها فلسطين على مدى السنوات الـ 76 الماضية تشهد ولكنها تضيء المعرفة أيضًا وتُسقط الأقنعة. فلسطين عبارة عن إسفين جغرافي بين المنطقتين اللتين تتمتعان بأهمية جيوسياسية كبيرة: شمال أفريقيا وغرب آسيا (كل منهما عربية ومسلمة إلى حد كبير). كان في كلتا المنطقتين عدد كبير من السكان الأصليين المسلمين واليهود والمسيحيين وأتباع الديانات الأخرى الذين يعيشون في وئام . ثم جاءت الصهيونية واتفاقاتها الجانبية: وعد بلفور وكامبون. وسايكس بيكو، ومؤتمر سان ريمو، ومؤتمر "السلام" في باريس ألخ. كان من المفترض أن يؤدي ذلك إلى إنشاء دويلات صغيرة على خلاف مع بعضها البعض و"دولة يهودية" تقسم إسفينًا في هذا العالم العربي والإسلامي وتمارس الهيمنة الشاملة. أصبح المشروع الصهيوني أساسياً في التدمير الغربي للعالم العربي والإسلامي بدءاً من فلسطين ولكن متفرعاً إلى الحروب على ليبيا واليمن وسوريا ولبنان والعراق والصومال وغيرها. يجب أن تُفهم "إسرائيل" كما قال البروفيسور إيلان بابي على أنها مشروع صهيوني، مشروع الصهيونية العالمية والإمبريالية، وكلاهما كان موجودًا قبل إسرائيل ومن المرجح أن يكون موجودًا (على الرغم من ضعفه) بعد انهيار إسرائيل. والحكومات الأميركية والغربية التي تدعم المشروع وتغطيه ستتخلى عنه وتنتقل إلى مشاريع أخرى.

كانت ولا تزال سياسة فرق تسد هي السياسة المتبعة. إيجاد أي اختلافات صغيرة بين بعض الأشخاص (الدين، الطوائف، الجغرافيا) وتحريضهم ضد بعضهم البعض. ولكن للقيام بذلك كانت هناك حاجة إلى خلق "قادة" على استعداد للامتثال ومحاربة أي شخص لا يرغب في الامتثال. بعد أن أنشأ البريطانيون والفرنسيون "دولاً" قاموا بتركيب دُماهم في تلك الدول. ومن بين الدول الـ 22 التي تسكنها أغلبية عربية، فإن أكثر من ثلثيها تُدار من قبل دمى غربية (أنظمة حكم كليبتوقراطية مثل حكام المملكة العربية السعودية، والإمارات العربية المتحدة، ومصر، بين دول أخرى كثيرة). ويساعد هؤلاء الحكام في تنفيذ المشاريع التي تطيل أمد الحروب والإبادة الجماعية. الديكتاتور المصري السيسي يساعد في محاصرة 2.3 مليون شخص في غزة. الممر التجاري البري الذي يمر من الإمارات العربية المتحدة عبر المملكة العربية السعودية عبر الأردن أنقذ الاقتصاد الإسرائيلي بينما امتثل اليمن للقانون الدولي لوقف السفن المتجهة إلى إسرائيل لوقف الإبادة الجماعية.

ولم يكن "القادة" الفلسطينيون في مأمن من الخطط الغربية ووقعوا بخطأ تاريخي. كانت هناك اتفاقيات تم توقيعها في واشنطن العاصمة 1993 و 1994. ولصرف انتباهنا يسمونها "اتفاقيات أوسلو"، ولكن ينبغي أن تسمى اتفاقيات واشنطن. وما تبعها أنهاء دور منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية في محاولة تحرير فلسطين وتحويل القيادة الفلسطينية إلى "السلطة الفلسطينية" المسؤولة بشكل رئيسي عن توفير الأمن للمحتلين الإسرائيليين (المستوطنين والجنود) وتخفيف العبء المالي للاحتلال باستخدام المساعدات الخارجية لدعم حكم هيئات خدمية للشعب المحتل ومعظمها ليست ناجحة. الاقتصاد للفلسطينيين تدهور (ما عدا المستنفعين "من عظام الرقبة") بينما منحت الإتفاقيات الحكومة الإسرائيلية إحتلالُ هو الأكثر ربحية في التاريخ. وارتفع عدد المستوطنين من 150 ألفاً إلى 930 ألفاً خلال 30 عاماً من "عملية السلام" التي تم تنظيمها لترسيخ الاستعمار والفصل العنصري. وهذا ما حققته اتفاقيات واشنطن (المعروفة أيضاً باسم أوسلو). لقد دمرت منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية، ودمرت ولايتها، بل وزعمت أنها غيرت دستورها (وهذا كان اجتماع غير قانوني). الرئيس عرفات ضمنيا وليس علنبا عاد إلى المقاومة ولذ سمموه وعينوا بديلا

بينما تزعم حكومة محمود عباس والحكومات العربية والغربية أنها عاجزة عن لجم إسرائيل ووقف الإبادة الجماعية، فإن الحقائق على الأرض تظهر العكس. كيف يمكن لغزة المحاصرة والفقيرة أن تهزم الجيش الإسرائيلي في 7 أكتوبر وتصمد أمام قصف الإبادة الجماعية للشهر الخامس بينما تتسبب في مقتل أكثر من 800 (بعض التقديرات 4000) جندي إسرائيلي وتُكلف الاقتصاد الإسرائيلي 33 مليار دولار؟ كيف يمكن للبنان المحاصر والفقير أن يُلحق خسائر فادحة بإسرائيل العنصرية، ويُجبر 100 ألف مستوطن يعيشون على الأراضي المسروقة في الجليل على المغادرة؟ كيف تمكن اليمن المحاصر والفقير من إغلاق الشحن من وإلى دولة إسرائيل التي تمارس الإبادة الجماعية. إذن نحن نعلم الآن أن حرب 1948 و"حرب الأيام الستة" عام 1967 لم تكن حروب! بل إن هؤلاء القادة العرب المتواطئين لم يفكروا جدياً في الحرب، ناهيك عن عمل حرب. وكثير من قيادات السلطة الفلسطينية التي تدعي دعم "المقاومة السلمية" تعاونت في الواقع مع إسرائيل لتدمير كل أشكال المقاومة (أنظر كتابي المقاومة الشعبية في فلسطين ).

طبعا هنالك من الشرفاء في كل التنظيمات السياسية ومنها فتح وأستطيع أن أسمي العديد منهم وأملنا أن يقودوا فصائلهم وتتجدد قيادات. رغم كل التواطؤ العربي والإسلامي، فإن فلسطين تعيش والفلسطينيون يشكلون درعا ضد التوسع الذي كانت الصهيونية تأمل فيه لإنشاء إمبراطورية تمتد على الأقل من النيل إلى الفرات. في الواقع يزعم الصهاينة المتدينون علنًا أن جميع غير اليهود سيكونون عبيدًا لهم ,بأننا في آخر الزمان. ولعل بطولة وصمود الملايين من أبناء شعبنا (هنا وفي المنفى) والشرفاء الفلسطينيون القادة ومنهم الشهداء (أي غير المتخاذلين والمستنفعين) على مدى 76 عاما. والتضحيات لن تضيع: 140 ألف شهيد, مليون ممن جربو السجون. 800 ألف  جريح. عدم استسلام 99% من شعبنا جعلت من عدونا يفقد توازنه ويمعن في القتل والخسة والقسوة والوحشية
ولكن لن ينقظه ذلك
سيحاول مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة إصدار قرار يدعو إلى وقف إطلاق النار (يجب أن يسمى قرارًا لإنهاء الإبادة الجماعية) لكن من المتوقع أن تستخدم الولايات المتحدة حق النقض (الفيتو) وبالتالي تنتهك قوانينها مرة أخرى وكذلك اتفاقية الإبادة الجماعية. ولكن هنالك صحوة عالمية بعد أن أسقطت غزة وفلسطين كل الأقنعة الكاذبة. خاصة بين مئات الملايين من جيل الشباب والشابات والذين يغيرون هذا العالم النتن وسيسقط معه كل من استنفع أو خان ضميره. وقد أعذر من أنذر وتاب ورجع لضميره ولأمته ...ولكل زمان كلام

كما أنذرنا جورج أنطونيوس قبل حوالي مئة عام: أفيقوا واستيقظوا يا عرب

pathetic state of our World

We look around our world that is sinking in a spiral of violence and wonder why we humans cannot learn the way of peace, harmony, and coexistence. What are the main factors that lead to such a situation? In the Gaza strip we see a microcosm and a more blatant and severe forms of oppression. Israel forced mass starvation and is every day committing over a dozen massacres causing hundreds of civilians casualties (vast majority of them women and children). It was all so predictable. I wrote a book about this earlier (http://qumsiyeh.org/sharingthelandofcanaan/)

Children are now living in streets and tents in the bitter cold. Their frail bodies, with ribs showing, reminds one of other concentration camps and starvations like those of Ireland, Eastern Europe, Manchuria, Korea...etc. More than 700,000 have diseases related to starvation, lack of clean water, and lack of sanitation. Though there are other hungry and oppressed people elsewhere (Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Western Sahara etc), there is a uniqueness about our situation. Eating grass and drinking water from polluted street puddles, the images are harrowing. We have an active, deliberate, and premeditated genocide by a colonial power supported by governments of several colonial powers (US, UK, France, Germany, Australia). Genocide is broadcast live and is not hidden. Over the past four months I shared with you >120 links with evidence including from independent sources like the all agencies of UN, governments, and non-governmental human rights organizations. No one can claim they did not know. Just about every human being on this earth knows (including the perpetrators and the partners in crime), but my subject here is not knowledge; it is the corruption that leads to these things.

Yesterday, I and a group of researchers risked our lives to visit and study an area of Palestine that is off-limits to Palestinians. We noted how there is great potential if we end the Zionist nightmare-- potential for all to live in harmony again. Tourism in our country alone (religious tourism, eco-tourism, cultural tourism) would provide enough income to millions (Palestinians and even the colonial Jewish settlers). The Gaza strip would be a very prosperous province of Palestine like it was before 1948. It had a beautiful beach, natural resources like Gas (now being stolen by the Israeli occupation), and rich cultural history that goes back thousands of years. There are certainly enough resources to feed, to cloth, and to shelter everyone on this planet. 3% of what the US spends on the military is enough to end world hunger. Sudan alone could feed the Arab world but is now plunged into conflict driven by elitist powers from Israel, Ethiopia, United Arab emirates. Syria was also such a prosperous country. Palestine was a heaven on earth, a land of milk and honey as we heard even in the Jewish Torah (which is a collection of stories of deities from other cultures like Greek, Egyptian, Persian).

Everyone knows the reasons for the global carnage that affects mostly the global south. The global north with its controlled corporate media seems to care only if white Europeans are killed and cheers when indigenous people are killed en masse to support a corporate and political Western elite. In the past 100 years, at least 200 million were killed or starved to death in the global south mainly related to the benefit of elites getting the resources of those countries. From the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the armed forces of states the machinations to do this control and to cause the killings and endless wars are now well understood by masses around the world. The carnage in Palestine over the past 76 years bears witness but also lights the knowledge. Palestine is a geographic wedge between the two areas of significant geopolitical interests in the West: North Africa and Western Asia (both largely Arab and Muslim). Both areas had a large population of natives who are Muslim, Jewish, Christian and followers of other religions living in relative harmony. Then came Zionism and its side agreements: Balfour and Cambon declarations. Sykes-Pico, San Rimo Conference, Paris "peace" conference. This was supposed to create mini states at odds with each other and a "Jewish state" dividing wedge in this world and exerting overall hegemony. The Zionist project became key in Western destruction of the Arab and Islamic world beginning with its epicenter Palestine but branching to wars on Libya, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Somalia etc.. "Israel" should be understood as Prof Ilan Pappe said as a Zionist project, a project of global Zionism and imperialism and both of those existed before Israel and will likely exist (though weakened) after Israel as a project collapses. Jews and Israelis will prosper better without this nefarious project. The US and Western governments that prop it and give cover to it will finally give up on it and move to other projects.

Divide and conquer was and still is the policy. Finding any small differences among some people (religion, sects, geographic) and pitting them against each other. But to do that there was a need for creating "leaders" willing to comply and fighting any not willing to comply. Hence after the British and the French created "states" they installed their puppets in those states. Of the 22 states that are largely Arab, more than two thirds are run by Western puppets (kleptocracies like the rulers of "Saudi" Arabia , UAE, and Egypt among many others). These rulers help execute projects that prolong wars and genocide. Egyptian dictator Sisi helping besiege 2.3 million people in Gaza. The land trade corridor passing from UAE through Saudi Arabi through Jordan that saved Israeli economy when Yemen complied with International law to stop Israeli bound ships to stop the ongoing genocide.

Palestinian "leaders" were not immune from becoming puppets. There were accords signed in Washington DC. To distract us they call them the "Oslo accords" but they should be called the Washington accords. That ended the PLOs role in attempting liberation of Palestine to transform Palestinian leadership into the "Palestinian authority" which is mainly responsible for providing security for the Israeli occupiers (settlers and soldiers) and alleviating the financial burden of occupation by using foreign aid to support governance/service bodies for the occupied people. A pauper economy developed for the Palestinians while giving the Israeli government the most profitable occupation in history. Settler population went from 150,000 to 930,000 in 30 years of a "peace process" that was structured to entrench colonization and apartheid. That is what the Washington (aka Oslo) process achieved. It gutted the Palestine Liberation organization, destroyed its mandate and even claimed to have changed its charter.

While the Mahmoud Abbas government and the Arab and Western government claim to be helpless to stop the genocide, the facts on the ground show they are lying. Blockaded and impoverished Gaza could defeat the Israeli army on 7 October and withstand its genocidal bombardment for a fifth month while inflicting killing over 800 (some estimates 4000) Israeli soldiers and costing the Israeli economy $33 billion. Blockaded and impoverished Lebanon is inflicting heavy casualties on apartheid Israel and forced 100,000 settlers living on stolen lands in Galilee to leave! Blockaded and impoverished Yemen was able to essentially close down shipping from and to the apartheid genocidal state of Israel. So we now know that the 1948 war and the 1967 "6 day war" were no wars! That those corrupt and collusionist Arab leaders never seriously thought about war, let alone plan for a war. And the Palestinian authority which claims to support "non-violent resistance" actually collaborated with Israel to destroy all forms of resistance (see my book Popular Resistance in Palestine http://qumsiyeh.org/popularresistanceinpalestine/). And today they help prop the colonial regime. But despite all the Arab and Muslim collusion, Palestine lives and the Palestinians provide a shield against the expansion that Zionism had hoped for to create an empire stretching at least from the Nile to the Euphrates. Actually religious Zionists claim openly that all non-Jews (Goyim/Gentiles) will be willing slaves to them. That we are in the end of time. Perhaps the heroism and sumud (persistence/resilience) of millions of our people (here and in forced exile) over the past 76 years (despite 140,000 martyrs, 95% of them civilian) is the main reason for the meanness, callousness, and wanton and deliberate murder of some 13,000 children (average age 5 years) and a second Nakba of ethnic cleansing of 1.9 million (all just since 7 October).

The UN Security counsel will try to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire (really should be called a resolution to end the genocide) but the US is expected to veto it thus violating its own laws again as well as the genocide convention... Stay tuned..watch the show

What is happening in Palestine now? I see some 300 videos every week that break my heart. Here is a list of less graphic items I saw last two days

American doctor reports on what he saw in Gaza: not a war, it is annihilation

Funny how western governments forget that Jewish leaders of Israel were Jewish terrorists

Palestinians in Gaza Do Have Somewhere to Go: Their Homes in What is Now Israel

Gaza Nasser hopital has catastrophic situation

75% of Journalists killed in 2023 were killed in Gaza
While Israel killed 1.2% of the civilian population of Gaza it killed >15% of the Gaza journalists (silencing the truth)

U.S. citizens detained by Israel in West Bank, Gaza, families say
[ofcourse the US will not start a war liberate those kidnapped American hostages or even care about them]

Likely regional conflict? https://www.aljazeera.com/program/inside-story/2024/2/16/how-likely-is-a-regional-conflict-in-the-middle-east

Prof. Ilan Pappe: It is dark before the dawn, but Israeli settler colonialism is at an end

Petition: Airdrop aid to Gaza https://chng.it/b5RPF4YnLd

Israeli army gassed my son like Auschwitz , mother of slain Israeli soldier says

Having ethnically cleansed the Rafah people from the Sinai (the Egyptian Rafav). Egypt building a new concentration camp in Sinai for the Palestinians to be ethnically cleansed by Israel

UAE, Jordan and Saudi Arabia quietly help Israel with supplies and allow Gaza people to starve to death
[Egypt also]

Edward Said seems like a prophet: 20 years on, ‘there’s hunger for his narrative’

Lift your spirit: Jerusalema Dance Challenge from Palestine by Popular Art Centre https://youtu.be/kbuJ61WBdpo

Egypt building wall to create a ,mini concentration camp for people of Gaza in Sinai

The last American war: The U.S. supports Israel unconditionally because it sees the entire Western project in the Middle East at risk today in Gaza. While it may seem these our darkest days, it is also clear that the U.S. and Israel are bound to fail. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/the-last-american-war/

Merchants of death tribunal

& revisiting the genocide convention

Feb 13, 2024

Genocide accelerates while elites prosper

Day 130 of the ongoing genocide: Total killed 28340 (+some 7,000 under the rubble to be added) and injured 67984. 72% are women and children. This also does not count the thousands dead from lack of food, clean water, medicine and from infectious diseases and cold exposure. Desperate situation for over 2 million people in Gaza strip. Meanwhile as you expect, the news is mixed. Some groups speaking out and acting to end the genocide while others work to accelerate it. For example while UNRWA (https://www.unrwa.org/) tries to do its mandate of humanitarian aid, Israeli authorities with support of the complicit puppet western governments are shutting its operations and hobbling it. And yes the Palestinian authority is permeated with corruption like the Israeli authorities. Both are like this by design with no democracy or rule of independent judiciary that serves everyone. In the case of Tel Aviv, the judiciary serves Zionist elites and in the case of Ramallah it serves the Fatah elites. In both cases common people suffer and the genocide in the Gaza strip is left to go on. And we continue to see heartbreaking stories like the two sisters who were so happy one moment and the next were hugging each other as shattered bodies hanging on a wall in their house.
Amouna and Suzanna Hassouna

16 leading humanitarian and human rights organizations call to stop arms transfers to Israel, Palestinian armed groups: An Open Call to all UN Member States to stop fuelling the crisis in Gaza and avert further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian lifehttps://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/01/16-leading-humanitarian-and-human-rights-organizations-call-to-stop-arms-transfers-to-israel-palestinian-armed-groups/

Detailed Amnesty International report on the massacres in Rafah even before the intensification of bombing of this supposed safe area (that Israeli occupation asked people to move to). https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-opt-new-evidence-of-unlawful-israeli-attacks-in-gaza-causing-mass-civilian-casualties-amid-real-risk-of-genocide/

Since then, Israeli forces started attacking starving/famined civilians in a blitz in the past two days that killed over 140 people in Rafah alone (the supposed safe zone). See these

and a Canadian doctor describes the desperate healthcare situation

Fifteen days after ICJ ruling, Israel’s genocide in Gaza Strip continues on the same scale

Most Western supine media are silent and do not cover massacres. Instead they are covering the "rescue" of two elderly hostages [yet those were kept in a family home and were not held by the resistance forces]. Western media accepts the version of events as fed by the Israeli government (known for its lies, see ongaza.org) . They do not even qualify by noting source of information. These mainstream media in the words of Malcolm X “have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”This is so obvious to any casual observer who compares "mainstream" /corporate (bought) media coverage of current events with that seen in other more watched media like democracynow.org (and others listed on ongaza.org). The world is changing and hundreds of millions are getting the truth of this genocide live through these and the power of the internet/social media.

Israel faces more danger from the ICC than the ICJ legally. Here is why

To my father: A documentary about Gaza https://vimeo.com/56683139

Son of Israeli victim speaks out for peace

Zionists threaten South African minister and her children

Netherland court Judge orders dutch government to stop sending parts for F-35 jets (used in the genocide). And Niragua joins the South African government in pressing charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice.

[Shameful Court] CIA Whistleblower Joshua Schulte given Draconian Sentence of forty years for allegedly passing documents that exposed nefarious CIA practices


EU foreign policy head Borrell speaks out [if you claim you want to stop the violence against civilians, then stop arming it]
Yet we need actions not words from the EU https://twitter.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1757241522465227166

I want to live, a song by John Denver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQer3hk53oU

Ilan Pappe: It is dark before the dawn, but Israeli settler colonialism is at an end

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages
Personal https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
Institute https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH

Feb 11, 2024

Hind and more

Her family members murdered, the ambulance that came to rescue her attacked, and her rescuers killed. Israel murdered 6-year-old Hind, family members and ambulance crew & left to decompose
[while one of hundreds of stories like that, this murder captured the hearts of millions. Though the western coverage is still sparse and biased]

No Evidence to Support Israel’s UNRWA Allegations
[Even if nine of the 30,000 UNRWA employees were shown to support Hamas, western countries cutting off funding to a humanitarian organizations while increasing funding to Israeli regime proven to commit state terrorism and genocide is the height of hypocrisy and we can also call it a nauseating sycophancy to please their masters, the Zionist lobby]

Visit http://ongaza.org and share links

Global Rally with really good 30+ speakers (I spoke briefly at 1:16:20) 1 February LINK

Rima noted: "This young man [Mohammed Al-Kurd] is really remarkable. Besides everything else, he displays wisdom and depth of thinking. Jerusalem should be proud of him and of the struggle of his family in the face of Israeli brutality that is threatening the lives and mere existence of our people in Jerusalem and all over Palestine. I especially appreciate his take on Zionism.." https://youtu.be/3QKeBb3UKWQ?si
[Palestine will survive. How do I know? Because we have many young people like this!]

To the hundreds of well-funded museums around the world that emphasize Jewish suffering (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Holocaust_memorials_and_museums) and sometimes marginally touch the suffering and the genocides/holocausts of other religions and other people (yet never mention Palestinians): To have credibility, you must NOW make exhibits of the ongoing holocaust of the Palestinian people. If you don't then you should be boycotted for hypocrisy (to say the least).

Zionist Patriots owner Robert Kraft spends $7m to use Super Bowl as political soapbox (again to confuse anti-racism/anti-genocide with “anti-Semitism”
[The "super bowl" should instead hold a moment of silence of >105,000 casualties (killed and injured) in the ongoing US tax-payer funded genocide]

Israel's Allies PANIC In Desperate Effort To Deflect Blame

Finally: Israel is threatening to commit MORE genocidal actions in the crowded area of Rafah the supposed "safe haven" (now 28,000 people per square kilometers) and allow the famine and disease to kill hundreds of thousands unless the resistance forces and the international community agree to Israeli fascist regime's demands. To drive home the message, Israeli occupation army has been shelling Rafah area for week and intensified it last two weeks committing many massacres against innocent civilians]

My friend Rich carries a sign that reads "When do we Jews realize that Israel is mad"
I add that if the world does not stop this genocidal regime NOW, there will be millions of victims (regional and global war is now very likely over this). A solution is easy: justice, peace, equality and this https://onestatecampaign.org/en/ !!

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages
Personal https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
Institute https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH

Feb 9, 2024

Four months

Donation to UNRWA’s work in Gaza https://donate.unrwa.org/gaza/

What is the bottom line after 4 months of onslaught following the initial October 7 Gaza Ghetto Uprising? Where are we?
In Gaza: The killing of 27,967 Palestinians (including 12,345 children, 8,000 women, 339 medical workers, 223 journalists, 152 UN employees and 46 civil defence). This is not counting thousands under the rubble. The wounding of 71,378 Palestinians. The destruction of 79,000 houses and 25,010 buildings (including banks, markets, bakeries…), partially damaged housing units 290,000, and destruction of 30 hospitals, 99 schools and universities (334 partially destroyed schools and universities), 161 Mosques, 3 Churches, 140 Government Buildings (including the Legislative Council building, the Gaza Municipality building, the public library and theatre, the cultural centre, water and electricity stations…), 122 ambulances, and 195 heritage sites some dating back to 800 BC. The displacement of 2,000,000 Palestinians. The detention of 4,000 Palestinians. And the final stage of Israel's genocide is unfolding with mass starvation while the International Community will not stop it.
In the West Bank: The killing of 382 Palestinians (including 101 children). The wounding of 4,400 Palestinians. The detention of 6,870 Palestinians. The devastation of the economy and the educational system due to ghettoization and apartheid colonial policies.

Israeli regime and regionally: Israeli fascist regime climbed up a tree that involved committing genocide to make the Palestinians surrender. Palestinian resistance did not surrender and inflicted heavy casualties on the Israeli army trying to invade Gaza strip. Hundreds of Israeli soldiers were killed and thousands injured. Over 1000 tanks and APCs were destroyed or damaged. As the global demonstrations continued to grow, only blackmailed and/or bribed western politicians (and the media arms) stayed in support of the genocidal and apartheid Zionist regime. But even those are now trying to have their cake and eat it too: they physically support the genocide militarily and diplomatically while verbally expressing "concern" about "humanitarian situation in Gaza". No one believes them. That is how we understand the US and British government positions. But among the people there is a paradigm shift. More than 800 civil servants from the U.S., the UK, and the European Union released a statement criticizing their governments’ support of Israel in its war in Gaza, warning that such policies could be contributing to war crimes and violations of international law.

As for Israeli positions as I predicted 20 years ago, they get more and more fascist. Benjamin Mileikowski (fake name Netanyahu) while Hitlerian in his views and actions is more mild than the ascending populist ultra hitlers: Gantz (who called Palestinains human animals and cut off water, fuel, food, and medicine) to BenGvir (who armed marauding zionazi settlers to hundt Palestinians) to Smotrich (a settler who called for ethnic cleansing and genocide by hunger and who sas finance minister stole Palestinain money). These three will be the face of "Israel" in a post-Likud government. The fact that Israel sent Blinken empty handed and rejected the fair offer of the resistance and wants to keep the genocide ongoing is an indication of where things are headed.

Regionally, the local banana republic presidents and leaders will need to assess whether the US and Israel can keep them on as their tools against the wishes of their people or will they face the fate of Shah Pahlavi of Iran. From the Moroccan King to Egyptian Dictator Sisi who destroyed Egyptian Economy) to the spoiled brat ruling the UAE and all in between. A rising tide of resistance is spreading in our regions and the US, UK, Germany et al. continue to make terrible decisions against their own national interest in other places too (see this conversation with Vladimir Putin)

MUST WATCH: Palestinian American doctor tells of losing some 100 family members

Important Palestine Human Rights Organizations Council statement: Palestinian Organizations Express Disappointment and Call for an Inquiry Regarding the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide’s Failure to Fulfil Her Mandate in Addressing Israel’s Ongoing Genocide in Gaza

Israeli civil organizations call for immediate ceasefire

Israeli Gas Exploration Licenses in Palestine’s Maritime Areas are Illegal and Violate International Law

U.S. Court Concludes Israel’s Assault on Gaza Is Plausible Case of Genocide

Anti-Zionism as Decolonisation

Zionists Epstein and Maxwell worked for Mossad to extort politicians including Trump

Israel attacking their own ultra orthodox citizens. Many ultra orthodox Jews are not for war or violence, as opposed to the Zionist settlers who are sick sadists, and want nothing but blood, starvation, and carnage on a path to Judea.

Former Israeli Negotiator Daniel Levy states: Only U.S. Pressure on Israel Can End Gaza Assault, Lead to Truce

McDonald's and Starbucks admit BDS is working [we need more boycotts of US and "Israeli" products.

Donation to UNRWA’s work in Gaza https://donate.unrwa.org/gaza/

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages
Personal https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
Institute https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH

Feb 4, 2024

What surprises

[please continue to share and speak out and act- and look for my next message in a few days with good news and reflections] 

Thank you to the many of you who wrote to us about the annual report (and many who decided to donate or contacted us about helping in other ways). Many in the world were surprised that we do such great environmental work in very difficult circumstances to say the least (plus the genocide in Gaza). But we Palestinians are resilient, we do resist oppression on the one hand and build for a better future on the other (even when Zionists keep destroying). We have and cherish our life. For those who did not have a chance, please do read this and do contact us https://www.palestinenature.org/annual-reports/2023-PIBS-report.pdf

Many people in the west were surprised at events and news. This week I highlight eleven:

1) That there is an American base in Northern Jordan and that sadly 3 black soldiers were killed (usually the rich get richer and the poor poorer or killed/used as canon-fodder). But the US has over 1400 bases in 80 countries to control and subjugate and act against the will of people in those countries. While spending hundreds of billions annually on this military and enriching <1% of ts people, infrastructure and education and healthcare in the US suffers and the 99% suffer. The US then bombed (illegally) many targets in Yemen, Syria and Iraq in supposed "retaliation" (but really to sustain the genocide ongoing against the Palestinians.

2) That 1.5 million of its 2.3 million people are now squeezed into the area around Rafah which is <15% (about 50 square kilometers) of the Gaza enclave. Famine and death is everywhere.

3) That the Israeli leadership is losing the war against resistance fighters 120 days/4 months after 7 October and the onslaught in Gaza, the resistance fighters are winning against tanks, airplanes, navy ships etc. All Israel can do is destroy more civilians and civilain infrastructure with US weapons and US cover.

4) That genocide and mass graves are allowed to continue for months and ethnic cleansing for decades as if we humans lewarn nothing from history. Some of us who are awake watch videos like this https://www.facebook.com/reel/2076517426040497 and are stunned by the horrors.

5) Yemen while bombed illegally by the US and the UK continues to defend itself and abide by its obligation to do something to stop the genocide of Palestinians

6) Dozens of US cities passed resolutions in support of cease fire (the Zionist lobby having spent millions is losing in its strongest hold the US. Here is Chicago just after San Francisco https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nni9vyTKrkE

7) Within a week of of the ICJ ruling, not only did the axis of evil led by the US/UK/Israel shut off funding to UN refugee and work agency and started threatening other agencies like the Red Cross and Red Crescent to exacerbate the genocide but continue to do (or fund and arm) the genocide. See https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/2/one-week-after-icj-ruling-is-israel-following-the-courts-orders and And after the ICJ ruling bodies of ‘torture victims’ found at Gaza school. The killing of dozens of people whose bodies were found at a Gaza school was a clear war crime, according to a Palestinian human rights lawyer who spoke to Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/2/1/bodies-of-torture-victims-found-at-gaza-school

8) The US government placed mild sanctions on 4 colonial settlers terrorizing Palestinians and asked Israel to look into its own army violations of human rights in the West Bank. And the UK government says it is considering recognizing a "Palestinian state". These hypocritical and cynical statements intended for public relations are not working anymore. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis engaged in racist attacks against Palestinians before 7 Oct 2023. Recognition of a Palestinian state could have been done in 1948, 1967, 1988, 1993 etc. But more important implementing peace could have been done based on human rights and equality any day in the past 76 years by simply stopping the support of the apartheid genocidal regime (the Israeli regime cannot maintain its colonization and oppression one day without that western support)

9) That social media is 95% supportive of Palestine/human rights while corporate mainstream media (CNN, BBC, AP, Reuters, FoxNews, New York times etc) is 95% supportive of genocide. See how mainstream media kills the truth
and Western coverage of Gaza: A textbook case of coloniser’s journalism
https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/2/2/western-coverage-of-gaza-a-textbook-case-of-colonisers-journalism. Some western media under pressure (which must be increased) are starting to do some marginal stories, e.g. CNN CATCHES IDF Cemetery Atrocity Lie
But they are still not coming close to telling the truth about the resistance, what happened 7 October etc (see ongaza.org and links therein of sites where you can get real information)

10) that free speech in supposedly democratic Western Countries does not exist when it comes to Palestine. Someone once quipped tat if you want to know who really has control in any country, watch who you cannot criticize. You cannot criticize Zionism (the racist idea of a Jewish state created by ethnic cleansing of indigineous people). Here is just one of millions of examples: How Power Creates and Entrenches Health Inequities

11) that colonial regimes lie incessantly. See ongaza.org item #9 and http://qumsiyeh.org/liesandtruths/

I do not know why the surprises. What is happening here in Palestine has a cause and has effects that are easily predictable. You find one of my lectures where I explain this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHUgFIEWr1g and ere are links to cause and effect:

https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9/posts/10160919216451181 (Netanyahu long before this genocidal action)

see this visual impact of numbers from the UN
Then view some of these videos for personal impact

Stay human