Jun 23, 2019

Dead Horse

The cart before a dead horse

This is a letter I address publicly to Mahmoud Abbas and all Palestinian (and other) people

A while back I was invited to a meeting of Palestinian business and political leaders. One of the prominent speakers was a prominent member of the revolutionary council of Fatah. Wikepedia said he was accused of corruption repeatedly. The meeting was to address the financially precarious situation of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah and ways to respond to the Bahrain conference. I heard much “political” posturing and useless talk including an interesting note that the politician said that the authority “cannot” prevent people from going to Bahrain (because then it could be said that the people did not attend because of pressure”. I commented: If our objection to the Bahrain conference is that it is trying to subvert Palestinian legitimate rights of return to their homes and lands and self-determination via “bribes” of economic improvement, then this is precisely what the Oslo agreements were about. If we disagree with that approach, then we should start by removing all the agreements of Oslo and its appendages like the Paris economic agreement that gave Israel responsibility to continue its economic profiting from the occupation. Someone asked what is your solution? I said go back to be a real Palestine Liberation Organization: Palestine is all of Palestine not 22% of it, Liberation is self-explanatory and it is for all 13.5 million of us Palestinians, and organization means more than one person we “pledge loyalties” to. The well-dressed politician came after the meeting to chastise me before he got into his fancy black Mercedes (which was left running all the time) with his body guards. Many of those attending came to tell me that they supported what I said (I told them they should have spoken out in public). Many are genuinely afraid but it is now an existential issue and we cannot remain silent. I told them more people are speaking out. The social media is a very strong tool in our hands.

The Bahrain conference concocted by racist Zionists Kushner/Greenblatt/Freedman uses exactly the same language as encoded in Oslo. You can compare for example the economic texts of Oslo II agreement signed in Paris (available here https://www.paltrade.org/upload/agreements/Paris%20Economic%20Protocol.pdf ) with the text of the Bahrain “Peace to prosperity” working documents (available here https://www.whitehouse.gov/peacetoprosperity/ ).

To be blunt: those who signed on to Oslo I and II and still follow them are no more or less than those who sign on to Bahrain I (yes, there will be Bahrain II). In public speeches they claimed it is somehow a different thing and now putting the cart (economy under occupation) in front of the horse (political solution of two states). Sorry, the cart had run over the horse and killed it back in 1993 (some say the beginnings was in 1974 and 1988). So it is time to get a new horse proverbial horse (A PLO reclaiming its charter of a secular democratic state), remove the trash that was accumulated in the cart and get a new beginning. It is thus not enough for us to protest things. It is time to take our own initiatives. It is time for a new PLO that reflects the will of the people and can then harness their amazing power. If anyone wants to know about the amazing power of the Palestinian people to get new horses, please read my book “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A history of Hope and Empowerment.” In it I explain for example how the uprising of 1936 forced dissolutions of many factions, reshaped others, and created new ones. We must learn from our history the right lessons. The best lesson to learn is that it is never too late to admit mistakes and go back to the people. I do have real faith in the people. The self-declared leaders know in the deep recess of their calcified hearts these facts and know that risking positions and money is nothing compared to the certainty that if they stay the course, the end will be clear. We all die. The question is how do you want to be remembered? You have two models 1) Collaboration/selfishness: e.g. Marshal Philippe Pétain (head of the French Vichy regime 1940-1942) and Nguyễn Văn Thiệu (corrupt US puppet president of South Vietnam 1967-1975), or 2) enlightened leadership like Omar Al-Mukhtar and Che Guevera? The choice is yours/ours.

I Murder 200,000+ People… Every Day

رسالة علنية

العربة قبل الحصان الميت

رسالة علنية لمحمود عباس ولكل الشعب الفلسطيني

دُعيت لحضور اجتماع لرجال الأعمال والقادة السياسيين الفلسطينيين. كان أحد المتحدثين البارزين رجلاً من رجال السلطة وعضو المجلس الثوري لحركة فتح. قالت ويكيبيديا إنه متهم بالفساد مرارًا وتكرارًا. كان الاجتماع لمعالجة الوضع غير المستقر ماليا للسلطة الفلسطينية في رام الله وسبل الرد على مؤتمر البحرين. طُرحت المواقف "السياسية" والحديث غير المجدي بما في ذلك ملاحظة مثيرة للاهتمام مفادها أن السياسي قال "لا يمكن" للسلطة أن تمنع الناس من الذهاب إلى البحرين (لأنه يمكن بعد ذلك القول إن الناس لم يحضروا بسبب الضغط). إليكم ما قلته أنا: إذا كان اعتراضنا على مؤتمر البحرين هو محاولة تخريب حقوق الفلسطينيين المشروعة في العودة إلى ديارهم وأراضيهم وتقرير المصير عن طريق "رشاوى" من التحسن الاقتصادي ، فهذا بالتحديد ما وقع عليه في اتفاقيات أوسلو ، وإذا لم نوافق على هذا النهج ، فعلينا أن نبدأ بإزالة كل اتفاقيات أوسلو وملاحقها مثل اتفاق باريس الاقتصادي الذي أعطى إسرائيل مسؤولية مواصلة تحقيق أرباحها الاقتصادية من الاحتلال. قلت أن الحل يكمن في العودة إلى الشعب وتكوين منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية الحقيقية: فلسطين هي كل فلسطين وليس 22 ٪ منه ، التحرير واضح ولكل 13.5 مليون فلسطيني، ومنظمة تعني أكثر من شخص نبايعه. جاء السياسي بعد الاجتماع ليعاتبني قبل أن يركب سيارة المرسيدس السوداء الفاخرة (التي كانت مشغلة طوال الوقت) مع حراسه الشخصيين. جاء الكثير من الحاضرين ليخبروني أنهم أيدوا ما قلته (قلت لهم إنهم يجب أن يتحدثوا علانية). كثيرون خائفون حقًا لكنها الآن قضية وجودية ولا يمكننا التزام الصمت. قلت لهم المزيد من الناس يتحدثون علنا. وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي هي أداة قوية للغاية بين أيدينا.
يستخدم مؤتمر البحرين الذي يعقده الصهاينة العنصريون كوشنر / غرينبلات / فريدمان نفس اللغة المستخدمة في معاهدات أوسلو. يمكنك على سبيل المثال مقارنة جزء النصوص الاقتصادية المتكاملة من اتفاقية أوسلو 2 الموقعة في باريس هنا https://www.paltrade.org/upload/agreements/Paris%20Economic%20Protocol.pdf
    بنص وثائق البحرين "سلام إلى الازدهار" Peace to Prosperity  هنا https://www.whitehouse.gov/peacetoprosperity/
بالمناسبة كان يلفظ شارون كلمة  Peace ك Piss وتعني الشخاخ (على العرب) وprosperity شبيهة ب  prostitutionوتعني الدعارة

لكي لنكون صريحين: أولئك الذين قاموا بتوقيع أوسلو 1 و 2 وما زالوا يتبعونهم ليسوا أكثر أو أقل من أولئك الذين سيقومون بالتوقيع  على البحرين 1 (نعم ، سيكون هناك البحرين 2). في الخطب العامة يدعون أنها شيء مختلف إلى حد ما ووضع العربة (الاقتصاد) أمام الحصان (حل "الدولتين"). آسف لكن كانت العربة قد دهست الحصان وقتلته عام 1993 (يقول البعض إن بدايات السقوط كانت عامي 1974 و 1988). لذلك حان الوقت للحصول على حصان آخر (منظمة الحرير بديموقراطية واضحة وببرنامجها الأصلي لدولة ديموقراطية واحدة) وإزالة القمامة التي تراكمت في العربة والحصول على بداية جديدة. بالتالي لا يكفي أن نحتج على الأشياء. لقد حان الوقت لاتخاذ مبادراتنا. لقد حان الوقت لمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية الجديدة أن تتكون وتعكس إرادة الشعب ، ويمكن بعد ذلك تسخير قوتهم المذهلة. إذا أراد أي شخص أن يعرف عن القوة المذهلة للشعب الفلسطيني (بما فيها الحصول على خيول جديدة) فالرجاء قراءة كتابي "المقاومة الشعبية في فلسطين: تاريخ حافل من الأمل والتمكين". أوضح على سبيل المثال كيف أجبرت انتفاضة 1936 إنهاء العديد من الفصائل وإعادة تشكيل بعضها وخلق فصائل جديدة. يجب أن نتعلم من تاريخنا الدروس الصحيحة. أفضل درس لتعلمه هو أنه لم يفت الأوان بعد للاعتراف بالأخطاء والعودة إلى الشعب. لدي إيمان حقيقي في شعبنا. القادة يعرفون في أعماق قلوبهم المكلسة هذه الحقائق ويعرفون أن المخاطرة بالمراكز والأموال ليست شيئًا مقارنة باليقين بأنهم إذا بقوا على المسار فإن النهاية ستكون سيئة. أعلم أن ما أقوله قويا -- جميعا نموت ولكن ما إرثنا؟ السؤال هو كيف تريد أن يتذكرك التاريخ؟ لديك نموذجان 1) مثال الأنانية: على سبيل المثال المارشال فيليب بيتان (رئيس نظام فيشي الفرنسي 1940-1942) و نجوين فان ثيو (الرئيس الفاسد في فيتنام الجنوبية تحت الإحتلال الأمريكي)  في
  أو 2) القيادة المستنيرة مثل عمر المختار وتشي غيفارا؟
 الخيار لك / لنا

وللحديث تكملة
المواطن الفلسطيني مازن قمصية
ملاحظة: الرجاء توصيل هذا الكتاب لمحمود عباس

Jun 1, 2019

Success & Self-determination

What distinguishes a healthy successful human being (or animal for that matter) from apathetic pathetic creatures who make excuses for their failures in life? At our Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability we take care of many animals (rehabilitation of wild animals and a few domestic ones). On weekends and holidays I spend more time observing them and also observing human activities in the streets of Bethlehem and globally. I can’t help but compare and contrast and notice variation. For example we have two lizards of the same species, one is rather shy and freaks out in presence of humans the other is calm and collected. Our hamsters shape their own environment and place their waste in one corner, their food in another, and their babies and sleeping quarters yet in another. This got me thinking about human success: those who succeed are precisely those who have self-confidence to decide to work hard to change their circumstances and not take things for granted. I think that is the essence of self-determination: it has to do with self-confidence and not accepting your surroundings as given but shaping it to the maximum possible (which in the case of humans in the interconnected 21st century world is limitless). We need to get rid of mental colonization first. As said before: “free your mind and your ass will follow”-African-American saying, the best weapon in the hands of the occupiers is the mind of the occupied”-Steven Biko.

Come to think of it what makes a “hero”? The stereotypical stories is that heroes win against difficult odds but the key element ius decision to take on these odds not the winning part. Indeed does a person who tries and “loses” become less of a hero than one who wins? How many indeed are martyr heroes. Here in Palestine we have utmost respect for those who resist (who fight injustice) because it is natural. We disdain those collaborators and those who watch their own narrow selfish interests. Real losers are not who work to change circumstances (even if they are jailed or killed) but only those who stay in their comfort zones. The latter are those who make all sorts of excuses (US is powerful, “Saudi Arabia” has to much leverage to challenge, “Israel” controls the US). What they fail to realize is that the biggest fear of repressive powers like those is that the people develop self confidence that they can change their own circumstances. Apathy empowers tyranny, resistance undermines it. I tell students, staff and volunteers: what you change in your mind you can then change your world. No God or others will save you. Be the change you want to see right now. Power is available to those seek it. Your choice is to be that fish that swims even against the stream or the dead fish that flows with the stream. This seems elementary but it is remarkable that we see more resilience (self-confidence and ability to push positively forward) among animals and plants than among fellow human beings. Even self-declared “leaders” suffer from the lack of self-confidence to RESIST and simply go with the flow. That is why politicians are corrupt and greedy. We have utmost respect to those who are active and work hard positively for the sake of others (society, the enviromnment). They are truly alive because they resist. For the others: for your own sake please liberate your mind and you can then liberate your body from bondage. You can do anything you put your mind to do. I ended my earlier messages with “stay human” but perhaps we should wish to “go wild animal” – reclaim freedom in our mind… resist. To resist is to truly exist! It is the essence of happiness to be determining your own future not to let others do it for you.

Our motto at the museum and institute is RESPECT: for ourselves, for others, for nature. It works.

Now those of us who never take vacations go back to reading, respecting, recycling, reducing (waste), reaching out to fellow living things, and resisting. If you are in the area of Bethlehem, where a guy named Jesus also resisted 2000 years ago, and want to share success then stop by for cup of coffee or tea. We are located here: palestinenature.org/visit

In self-confidence and utmost respect
And in an animal spirit!